Hello Americans, I’m Todd Starnes. Stand by for news and commentary next.
Nearly 700 professors at the University of North Carolina signed a public letter opposing a proposed law that would require students to take courses on America’s government and Founding documents.
The professors say the bill would infringe on their academic freedom. And what they mean by that is that it would infringe on their crusade to turn a generation of Americans against their own country.
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The aggrieved protesters sent a letter to the Daily Tar Heel where they whined about having to teach kids American history.
We, the undersigned UNC-Chapel Hill faculty, are alarmed by the interference and overreach of the North Carolina legislature, the UNC System Board of Governors, and the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees whose actions violate the principles of academic freedom and shared governance that undergird higher education in N.C. and the U.S. If enacted, we believe that these measures will further damage the reputation of UNC and the state of North Carolina and will likely bring critical scrutiny from accrediting agencies that know undue interference in university affairs when they see it.
Daily Tar Heel
The proposed law would dictate students learn about the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Emancipation Proclamation.
“It’s just absurd, it’s frankly absurd,” Jay Smith, a tenured Chapel Hill history professor, told Inside Higher Ed.
“Demanding that American history be taught this way, one way, and that diversity, equity and inclusion efforts be eliminated or dropped—these are two pieces to the same puzzle,” he said. “It’s a culture war that’s being waged, and universities are, unfortunately, caught up in the middle of it.” “It is a blatant violation of academic freedom and a blatant show of disrespect for the expertise of faculty at UNC schools.”
Why do you think so many Generation Zers oppose free speech, the second amendment and freedom of religion? Why do you think a majority of that generation favors socialism over freedom?
Is it possible that these young people are being radicalized in taxpayer-funded classrooms? Is it possible that tenured professors are waging a campaign to turn our children against the land of the free and the home of the brave?
There’s a reason why the progressives don’t want your kids to know about American greatness. There’s a reason why they don’t want them to know about the Bill of Rights.
It’s because an ignorant population is more easy to control. Just ask the Russians and the Venezuelans.
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