
Atheists Want to Ban Churches From Feeding High School Wrestlers

If atheists have their way, high school wrestlers in one Alabama town will go without food or water.

Someone in Etowah County, Alabama complained after learning that wrestling coaches at Southside High School and Rainbow Middle School had sent letters to local churches asking them to donate snacks and water.

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The coaches were accused of attempting to “proselytize” the teenage wrestlers, according to the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

The FFRF is a radical gang of atheist and agnostics who bully small town school districts. They are especially triggered by the name of Jesus.

The coaches had wanted the churches to provide granola bars and water in exchange for the pastors being allowed to address the teams.

We are looking for some area churches to connect with our Southside Wrestling team in a very tangible way. During our wrestling season we supply our wrestlers with water and granola bars. We are asking local churches to consider donating 6 cases of water and 4 pks of 24 granola bars to help out our team. Of course we can always use more but this is a good starting point and will help up greatly. Some other vocation ideas are sports drinks, uncrustables and trail mix. Every donation helps! This year we have close to 50 wrestlers on our team from Rainbow Middle School and Southside High School. We would like to give the churches, who are able to donate, a chance to speak into the lives of the students on our team by sharing a short 15 minute devotional. We are very excited about this opportunity again this year. We really enjoyed it last year. 

Southside High School

“The school district must immediately cease its practice of allowing local churches the opportunity to approach its students in exchange for food and drinks,” the out-of-town atheists demanded.

Attorney Chris Line wrote a nasty letter to Supt. Alan Cosby accusing the district of violating the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

“It is well settled that public schools may not show favoritism toward or coerce belief or participation in religion,” Line wrote. “By explicitly inviting churches to proselytize to students, the district displays clear favoritism for religion over non-religion, and Christianity above other faiths.”

Churches are an essential part of the fabric of our communities across Alabama,” State Sen. Greg Reed told Yellowhammer News.

“Even more importantly, they are the means by which the Gospel is preached and places where we worship God,” he said. “This week we are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him goes all the praise and all the glory. That should be our focus, and it should not be interrupted by out-of-state groups trying to push faith out of our lives and the lives of our children.”

The aggrieved atheists don’t have a constitutional leg to stand on but that may not matter. There’s no constitutional provision that prevents churches from feeding school children. However, many school districts wave a white flag at the first mention of the word “lawsuit.”

“The understanding between Etowah County Schools and the local churches is an incredibly crass arrangement,” says FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. “It cannot be permitted to continue.”

Ms. Gaylor and her atheist pals should tread carefully. They’re dealing with Alabama, not Rhode Island.

And I’d be willing to wager there’s more than a handful of Southern grandmothers who would gladly take up cast iron skillets to repel the invading horde of atheist agitators.

Should churches be banned from feeding high school athletes?

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