
Auburn Football Coach Threatened for Taking Part in Campus Baptisms; Atheists Demand Chaplains Be Fired

DEVELOPING STORY: A few weeks ago I told you about a revival that had broken out at Auburn University. Hundreds of students have converted to Christianity. And after a massive worship service, a number of students asked to be baptized. Click here to read our original reporting on the story.

The revival was sparked by an event organized by Tonya Prewett and her husband Chad Prewett, Auburn’s assistant men’s basketball coach.

Auburn football coach Hugh Freeze, who is an evangelical Christian, was on hand to minister to students and actually assisted in baptizing a number of students at a campus lake. Men’s basketball coach Bruce Pearl and assistant baseball coach Butch Thompson also lent a helping hand.

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Their participation has enraged the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based group of atheists, agnostics and freethinkers who take great pleasure in bullying Christians.

“Auburn University must put a stop to religion in its athletic programs,” the organization demanded. “Auburn University is a public university, not a religious one.”

I write about this horrible and diabolical group in my new book, “Twilight’s Last Gleaming: Can America Be Saved?” Click here to read my book.

“It is inappropriate and unconstitutional for university employees to use their university position to organize, promote or participate in a religious worship event,” FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line writes to Auburn University President Christopher B. Roberts. “These ongoing and repeated constitutional violations at the university create a coercive environment that excludes those students who don’t subscribe to the Christian views being pushed onto players by their coaches.”

The angry atheists said university employees may not lead or encourage any “religious activities in their capacity as coaches and cannot participate in any student-led religious activities.”

I would challenge the atheists to show me where the Constitution requires that football coaches have to surrender their religious beliefs at the university doorstep.

“The abuse of power displayed by these coaches shows that Auburn hasn’t changed one bit since we published our 2015 report,” says FFRF co-president Annie Laurie Gaylor. “As coaches, their responsibility lies in guidance on the field, not guiding these students to pews. They should start by firing the team chaplains, whose very presence signals that Auburn University has an inappropriate relationship with Christian evangelists.”

God bless the coaches for dunking those kids in the campus lake and the atheists would be wise to pay heed to the warnings written in Scripture — lest they find themselves in the hereafter being dunked in the Lake of Fire.

Click here to pre-order Todd’s new book, “Twilight’s Last Gleaming: Can America Be Saved?”

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