
Catholic Diocese Cracks Down on ‘Preferred Pronouns’

The Diocese of Worcester in Massachusetts has laid down the law: boys are boys and girls are girls.

I know that may seem controversial these days, but it’s the truth.

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Students in all 21 schools in the Diocese are now expected to dress and use the pronouns, bathrooms and other school facilities associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. 

The policy requires students “to conduct themselves at school in a manner consistent with their biological sex.” Students also “may not advocate, celebrate, or express same-sex attraction in such a way as to cause confusion or distraction in the context of Catholic school classes, activities, or events.”

The pro-LGBT crowd is outraged that Catholics must behave like Catholics.

One eighth-grade student told CBS News that she refused to participate in a school event because teachers refused to call her by male pronouns.

“It’s just humiliating, degrading and embarrassing,” the student’s mother told CBS. “And that type of behavior leads to bullying and segregation.”

Last year the Diocese of Worcester stripped a school of it’s affiliation with the Catholic Church because they flew flags in support of Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ rights.

“The flying of these flags in front of a Catholic school sends a mixed, confusing and scandalous message to the public,” Bishop Robert McManus wrote in a statement about Nativity School of Worcester.

No doubt there will be great outrage over the Catholic Church’s decision to crack down on the sex and gender revolutionaries, but they did the right thing.

Requiring a Catholic school to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church should not be all that controversial. And booting Catholic organizations that refuse to follow the rules is just common sense.

It would be like a Chick-fil-A franchise that refused to serve chicken. How long do you think they would remain a franchise?

Birds of a feather flock together.

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