Being pro-life means more than just marching or signing petitions. It means rolling up our sleeves and getting involved in our local communities. It means engaging in well-respected ministries that are literally saving babies every day.
And that’s why I’m excited to announce that the Todd Starnes Show is partnering with Pre-Born – a ministry committed to saving babies and souls.
In 2018 Pre-Born administered 72,848 pregnancy tests and 39,820 ultrasounds. As a result of their ministry, 25,328 babies were saved and 4,254 people accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.
God is using Pre-Born in a mighty way and now we have an opportunity to stand in the gap for a preborn baby and a desperate young mom.
I hope you will join the Todd Starnes Show as we launch a campaign to equip pregnancy centers with life-saving ultrasound machines and to provide free ultrasounds for expectant moms. Click here to join our campaign!