
School Boots Jesus From Awards Banquet After Atheist Group Complains

A bunch of angry atheists got triggered by the name of Jesus during a prayer. It happened at a senior awards banquet at Vicksburg High School in Michigan.

Should teachers be allowed to pray at school awards ceremonies?

A parent complained that the ceremony opened with two prayers – one to start the event and the other just before supper.  We call that “saying grace.”

The parent reached out to the Freedom From Religion Foundation and they in turn fired off a nasty letter to the school district.

They were especially upset that the name of Jesus Christ was mentioned in the prayers.

The atheists say the school district crossed a line with the prayers and showed favoritism toward the Christian faith.


“The Supreme Court has specifically struck down prayers given at public school events. Including explicitly Christian prayers as part of a school-sponsored awards banquet held on school property clearly crosses the line,” FFRF Anne Nicol Gaylor Legal Fellow Sammi Lawrence wrote to Superintendent Keevin O’Neill. “Vicksburg High School, and thus the district, displayed clear favoritism towards religion over nonreligion, and Christianity above all other faiths. Further, students and their families were coerced to observe two Christian prayers in order to participate in a banquet meant to honor students’ achievements, not promote religion.”

However, according to the Department of Education, teachers and students do not shed their constitutional rights of freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse door.

The school district said the awards ceremony has included a prayer for years – without a single issue.

Regardless, they surrendered to the atheists and promised that Jesus would be given the heave-ho.

“Please be advised that, from this point forward, the District will not incorporate invocations or prayers into school-sponsored events, like this reception,” attorney Cristina Patzelt wrote to the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Be sure to read my book, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.” Click here to get a copy.

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