The following is a transcript of Todd’s morning commentary – heard daily on hundreds of radio stations. Click here to sign up for Todd’s daily America First newsletter.
White people are like mosquitoes who target black people.
That’s what teachers and staff were taught in a video shown to employees of the New Prague school district in Minnesota. Watch the video below.
Alpha News first reported on the outrageous workshop.
The video, which you can watch on my website, compares microaggressions to a mosquito bite. Examples included asking to touch a black person’s hair or a white person talking about how someone is well-spoken.
A second video addressing bias shows a white store owner calling the police on black children who were loitering.

At one point a black character gets so annoyed she destroys the white mosquitoes with a flamethrower. I believe they would call that genocide — or mass extermination.
The school district defended the lessons – telling the news outlet that it was part of professional development to address the needs of their diverse community.
“The New Prague Area Schools is dedicated to creating a culture where all students have an equal and inclusive opportunity to thrive academically, socially and emotionally,” Supt. Andrew Vollmuth told Alpha News. “As a school system, we will honor the uniqueness of each individual and embrace diverse backgrounds, values and viewpoints that will build an empowered school community while acknowledging our differences as strengths.”
It sounds to be like the school has been infected with a raging case of critical race theory. Whatever happened to teaching children about reading, math and science?
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