Children at a Canadian elementary school were banned from singing about Santa Claus and Rudolph purportedly because of inclusivity concerns.
Marie Garvin told CTV News that words like Santa, Rudolph and Christmas were removed from the lyrics of “Candy Cane Lane.”
“I’m in full support of all inclusion and diversity,” Garvin said. “It just felt like we were erasing Christmas.”

“I get that Christmas originated as a Christian holiday. However, I feel now many people celebrate Christmas in different ways that don’t have a religious aspect to it,” she said. “There are so many ways that we can include people without cutting things out. To me, that’s not the answer.”
School Supt. Dave Eberwein told the television station that secular schools are not supposed to be advancing one holiday over another.
“We’re not cancelling Santa or Rudolph in our schools. I can’t speak as to why the teacher changed that particular lyric. That would be something for the teacher to have a conversation with the parent about directly,” Eberwein said.
“Public schools are a place where every child should feel welcomed and should feel included and should feel represented in what the school offers in terms of its teachings and its learnings.”
The school district failed to understand that neither Santa nor Rudolph were a part of the original Christmas story.
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