A North Carolina middle school cut two Bible verses out of day planners that were donated to students by a Baptist church.
This is the kind of anti-Christian behavior I wrote about in my book, “God Less America.” Click here to read my book.
Television station WYFF reports that East Alexander Middle School removed Bible verses from the back of the day planner. The Bible verses were from the book of Philippians and Jeremiah.
Sulfur Springs Baptist Church spent more than $2,000 to print the planners. They were presented to students as a way of encouraging the young people.
“We just put it back there for an encouragement,” one church member told the television station.. “We know last year ended rough.”
Alexander County Schools defended its decision to deface the church’s gift and censor the Bible verses.
“It is an individual student’s right to share their beliefs – religious or otherwise, but not the public school’s role to indoctrinate them with any religious teachings,” Alexander County Schools said in a statement.
The school district’s executive director said they had no choice.
“Separation between Church and State,” Dr. Alisha Cloer told television station WBTV.
“That hurt my feelings, it really did,” one parent told the television station. “This society right now, I think we need God in our lives and Jesus in our lives and this just tears my heart apart.”