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A Wisconsin congressman offered a brilliant solution to progressive congressional staffers who say they are overworked and should only have to put in 32 hours a week in the office.

Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-WI) suggested a six-month job-swap program where congressional staffers would trade places with Wisconsin dairy farmers. Instead of shoveling papers, the entitled Gen-Zers would shovel manure.

The staffers drew national outrage and bipartisan mockery after they sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to reduce their 40-hour work week to 32 hours — with the same pay.

Rep. Van Orden, who serves on the House Agriculture Committee, recommended the six-month pilot program.

He said they could “get some manure on their boots milking cows.”

“And my dairy farmers will come up here and work a 40 hour work week in an air conditioned, indoor heated building with fantastic cafeterias,” the congressman said.

It’s a great idea but I’d really be concerned about the welfare of the dairy cows. Watch the entire interview below: