DEVELOPING STORY: Students in the Nebo School District in Payson, Utah walked out of class today to protest “furries.” Students claimed that some of their classmates are allowed to dress as furry animals. They allege that the “furries” have barked and bitten several students. Journalist Adam Bartholomew interviewed students who participated in the walkout at Mt. Nebo Middle School.
A school district spokesman told The Todd Starnes Show that much of the information online is false. However, they declined to specify what information was false.
“These are 11 and 12 year old children,” the spokesman said. “Sometimes they may come to school with a headband that has ears, sometimes with giant bows, and sometimes dressed as their favorite athlete. This is common for children of this age. We try to address anything that may distract from student learning right away.”
So, did anyone come dressed up like a dog or a cat?
“Recently, the administration addressed a student conduct issue to ensure a positive environment at the school,” the spokesman said. “Unfortunately, some misinterpreted the message and expressed concerns online.”
Watch the video below and click here to read Todd’s book on how to take back school districts from groomers and perverts.
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