
WOKE: Students Get Triggered by ‘Chicken & Waffles’

I’m taking a group of 100 listeners to the Holy Land in November. And I want you to join our effort to Stand with Israel. Information is on my website at ToddStarnes.com. 

Big trouble at Nyack Middle School in New York. 

The cafeteria served chicken and waffles to kick off Black History Month. The children were also given a watermelon-themed dessert.

Is "Chicken & Waffles" Racist?

The principal said he was horrified and apologized for the cultural insensitivity displayed by their food provider. 

Principal David Johnson went on to say that the menu reflected negative stereotypes concerning the African-American community.

“We are extremely disappointed by this regrettable situation and apologize to the entire Nyack community for the cultural insensitivity displayed by our food service provider,” the principal said in a statement. “I am disappointed that Aramark would serve items that differed from the published monthly menu. Especially items that reinforce negative stereotypes concerning the African-American Community.”

Aramark said the timing of the menu was unfortunate and the lunch ladies were supposed to serve something else.

Click here to read Todd’s book to understand how the left is using Critical Race Theory to discriminate against white people.

“While our menu was not intended as a cultural meal, we acknowledge that the timing was inappropriate, and our team should have been more thoughtful in its service,” the Aramark statement said. “This was a mistake and does not represent the values of our company, and we are committed to doing better in the future.”

Gotta say I’m sure the kids would rather feast on chicken and waffles instead of mystery meat and a vegetable medley.

So, now the lunch ladies are heading to cultural sensitivity class.

Yet no one has been able to explain exactly why that particular menu is racially offensive. I know plenty of white folks who love eating chicken. We call it the Gospel Bird back home in Tennessee. 

Not racist – just finger-licking-good.

Who knew that chicken and waffles would trigger such a massive case of indigestion among the perpetually offended Generation Z crowd?

Thank goodness the lunch ladies didn’t serve Mrs. Butterworth. 

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  • Todd Starnes
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