
British Powdered Wigs Could Be Banished

There’s no doubt that the English have some weird traditions when it comes to courtrooms. Barristers have to wear a certain style of dress and they also have to wear powdered wigs.

It’s weird, but it’s British. They’ve been doing that since the 16th century.

But now, the time-honored tradition is coming under fire.

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A committee has been formed that could end up banning the wigs. There are accusations the wings discriminate against Afro-Caribbean hairstyles.

Several years ago a black barrister with a large afro claimed he faced being in contempt of court if he refused to wear a wig. He claimed he was the victim of “hair discrimination.”

Others say the wigs are a ridiculous costume and represents a culturally insensitive climate in the British judicial system.

They also want to ban collarettes, wing collars and bands – presumably because those, too, are offensive to certain people groups.

So, there you have it, folks. A woke mob is on the verge of scalping British barristers.

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