Much of downtown Chicago is in ruins this morning after violent mobs clashed with police and laid waste to a number of stores.
The looting happened after a suspect was injured when he shot at police officers and they reportedly returned fire.
A number of officers have been injured. Our prayers are with the police and the business owners.
Entrances and exits into downtown Chicago have been shut down as law enforcement struggles to contain the violence and unrest.
The Todd Starnes Show team is compiling video from the riots and this story will be updated.
Downtown Chicago is going up right now. They broke into all the high-end stores, they cleaned out Nordstrom, broke into the currency exchange store, throwing stuff at the police, etc. (Watch until the end) #diamondstonetv #explore @diamondstonetv #viral #Chicago
— DIAMONDSTONETV (@diamondstonetv) August 10, 2020
Looters broke into a Chicago mall and are looting the place clean tonight. #BlackLivesMatter
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 10, 2020
#Antifa are attacking an Amazon store again in Seattle. They’ve using sledgehammers and have been rioting for hours and smashing businesses in and around Capitol Hill. Video by @BGOnTheScene #SeattleRiots
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 10, 2020
SWAT officers at Grand/Rush #ChicagoScanner
— Paige Fry (@paigexfry) August 10, 2020
Bye bye, Tesla ?? #ChicagoScanner
— Rainey Wright (@Rainey_Wright) August 10, 2020
Pandora is not looking too good right now. #ChicagoRiots #pandora #riot #looting
— Chicago Critter (@0ddgasm) August 10, 2020
Mass chaos on the streets of Chicago as mass looting breaks out
— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) August 10, 2020
Welcome to Chicago. It’s complete anarchy.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 10, 2020
We are staying right in the middle of all the looting going on in downtown Chicago right now, it’s crazy. Michigan Ave just up the street #chicagoriots
— Don ⛳️ (@puffalota) August 10, 2020
Imagine if you lived in downtown Chicago & paid the obscene taxes and cost of living & then this happens. Why bother anymore? Why build anything anymore? This does nothing but hurt the city as a whole.
— Jay-Juan Shakur Jones (@iamjayshakur) August 10, 2020