
Confederate Cemetery Desecrated in Georgia

The Confederate Cemetery in Resaca, Georgia was desecrated, according to the Gordon County Sheriff’s Office.

Graves were vandalized and Confederate flags were uprooted and positioned to spell out the words, “stop racism.”

Resaca Confederate Cemetery is around 70 miles northwest of Atlanta and is the burial site for more than 450 Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War Battle of Resaca in May 1864, according to Newsweek.

In Memphis, Tennessee city leaders have tried to dig up the body of Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife. The bodies were buried in what was once a memorial park named in his honor.

A statue of Forrest was removed in the dark of night several years ago and the park was renamed.

In recent days, thugs desecrated the Confederate general’s final resting place.

What kind of evil people would dig up dead bodies for political gain?

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