FOOD FIGHT! SF Walgreens Shoplifter Hurls Bananas at Customer

A masked suspect at a San Francisco Walgreens brazenly filled his shoplifting bag with items around the store until a customer challenged him, ABC 7 reports.

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An employee was reporting the theft when he came behind the counter.

In the footage captured by professional photographer Nicholas Stennet, the suspect grabs a bunch of bananas and chucks them at the customer.

“There’s bananas blazing everywhere!” Stennet said.

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When the customer threw some bananas back at the suspect, he grabbed some Chips Ahoy to throw, according to the videographer.


“If there’s no gun involved I’m not scared of bananas and Chips Ahoy!” Stennet told the outlet. “If I can raise a little awareness and help with the prosecution, that would be nice.”

Walgreens has had to close more than a dozen locations due to the Democrat-controlled city’s policies that make it a shoplifter’s paradise.

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