
Delaware Women Plead Guilty of Hate Crime Against Trump Supporters

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Two Delaware women have pleaded guilty to charges of theft, child endangerment, and hate crimes against Trump supporters following an incident at the Wilmington Riverfront in August 2020. 

Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, both 21, destroyed signs for former President Trump and snatched a red Make America Great Again hat from a child outside the Democratic National Convention while Joe Biden accepted his party’s presidential nomination. 

Riley Wigton, 7, and his mom, Abbey, 27, were attending the convention to peacefully protest Biden when they were “attacked” outside a restaurant, the Daily Mail Online reports.

Police were able to track down Winslow and Amy after viewing the viral clip shared by Students for Trump.

During the footage, the mother asks “Are you destroying my property?” while Winslow and Amy tore up her “Women for Trump” signs. Amy then instructs Winslow to grab the MAGA hat.

Camryn Amy (L) and Olivia Winslow (R) have pleaded guilty to hate crimes against Trump supporters. (Wilmington Police)

“That’s somebody else’s hat,” Riley says as he begins to cry.

“Yourr mom f–ing likes Trump,” Winslow says to Riley.

Riley, through tears, says: “Mom, call 9-1-1.”

Finally, a man comes up attempting to retrieve the cap when Amy punches him.

Sentencing for Winslow and Amy is scheduled to occur in September. However, Delaware News Journal reports that prosecutors will not seek prison time. Instead, prosecutors believe probation as a result of the plea agreement is the “appropriate sentence.” Charges of assault, attempted assault, and conspiracy were also dropped.

Riley’s mom released a statement about the incident: “We were standing outside peacefully minding our own business waiting for our table. Suddenly, two Joe Biden supporters began to yell political epithets at my child.”

“They ripped the sign from my arms and assaulted my seven year old son. The Joe Biden supporters laid hands on my child and ripped his ‘Make America Great Again’ hat from his head while cursing at him and pushing him over,” she added. “The two Joe Biden supporters verbally and physically assaulted my child. My seven-year-old child was sobbing and screaming.”

Trump saw the viral video at the time and sent a gift package to Riley, which included a new, signed MAGA hat, a mug, a bag, a baseball bat, and more swag.

Newsmax host Benny Johnson also shared video of the Biden supporting pair threatening a reporter before the hate crime against Trump supporters.

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