A gang of black young people brutally beat a white special-needs student outside a Memphis high school while a crowd of onlookers did nothing to stop the attack.
Fox 13 obtained exclusive video of the beating. It shows as many as five black young people surrounding the victim – delivering punches and kicks to the child’s body and head.
The television network did not say what led up to the attack. However, whoever was filming the attack seemed to imply that it was a random incident.
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“I was scared. I was confused. I didn’t know what to do,” Martin Geissler told the Memphis television station. “They kicked my head. They stomped my head in and they was just kicking my body.”
For some reason the Fox television affiliate did not mention the skin color of the attackers or the victim. They also buried the fact that the young man is a special-needs student.
Had this been a case of five white people attacking a black special-needs child, there would’ve been wall-to-wall national news coverage and large portions of the city would have been decimated by “peaceful protests.”
Many Fox viewers took to social media to express their anger at the television network’s double standard.
If it’s not the schools problem it is a MPD issue. Looks like possible hate crime charges may be involved as well. That would bring in the feds.
Why isn’t this being brought up as a hate crime? Where’s the outrage?Why isn’t the headline “5 black men beating white male” like if it were the other way around?
Only black people can be victims and only white people can be racist. The double standard is appalling.
They only jumped him because he’s white and a easy target.
That’s a hate crime parents and children should be held responsible. That means kids in jail parents play a big O fine are they go to jail. One way or another you’re gonna have to stop.
This should be labeled a hate crime. It won’t be since the victim is white. If the races were switched, then you can bet it would be.
Black attackers white victim looks like a hate crime to me if the tables were turned.
Thats hate crime. Those kids should be arrested. And no one there even tried to help this child.
Brenda Pope, the mother of Martin, told the television station in an exclusive interview that her son was attacked while walking home from Kingsbury High School.
“Now my kid is scared to go to school, and he deserves an education just like any child out here does,” Pope said. “He hasn’t been back to school since Monday.”
The school district said there was nothing they could do because the attack happened off campus. They recommended she file a police report, which the mother said she did.
KWAM NewsTalk Memphis confirmed that a police report has been filed and the incident is only being investigated as an act of “intimidation.”
The school district said it was “unfortunate to hear about the distress of any child or family, and we take such matters seriously.”
Unfortunate? Unfortunate that a kid was jumped from behind and beaten by a mob of thugs?
I suspect had some variables been switched around in the attack, the school district and the police department’s reactions would be much more aggressive and indignant.