EDITOR’S NOTE: Todd Starnes owns one of the top conservative radio stations in the nation. Click here to download his free app so you can listen to conservative news and talk 24-7.
Buffalo has been buried in a blizzard and looters are taking full advantage.
Gangs of thugs have been looting large and small businesses — leading Mayor Byron Brown to condemn the criminals.
“People who are out looting when people are losing their lives in this harsh winter storm is just absolutely reprehensible,” Brown said. “I don’t know how these people can even live with themselves, how they can look at themselves in the mirror. They are the lowest of the low.
“And from some of the pictures that we’ve seen on social media of these looters, they’re not looting foods and medicines. They’re just looting items that they want. So these aren’t people in distress — these are people that are taking advantage of a natural disaster and the suffering of many in our community to take what they want from retailers — also potentially putting (emergency response) services at risk in the communities where they are looting.”
There’s looting in Buffalo NY b/c it snowed?????? pic.twitter.com/LItUw0T0zJ
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) December 26, 2022
#Buffalo #buffaloblizzard #BuffaloNY #looting @GovKathyHochul #NewYork
— Blue Line Defense LLC (@BLDefense22) December 26, 2022
Why isn’t the looting throughout Buffalo a story? pic.twitter.com/pZzxYM9qDY
BREAKING: Buffalo Mayor @MayorByronBrown slams looters. “Ppl who are out looting when ppl are losing their lives in this harsh winter storm is absolutely reprehensible. I don’t know how these ppl can live with themselves…they’re the lowest of the low” #BuffaloLooting pic.twitter.com/T3X1FbL8Kp
— Rowan (@canmericanized) December 26, 2022
DEVELOPING: Heavy gunfire heard as looters flee a business in Buffalo, New York#Buffalo l #NY
— Intel Point Alert (@IntelPointAlert) December 26, 2022
Looting is occurring in the city following blizzard conditions. Footage shows someone firing several rounds as looters run from a building.
Injuries unknown.