
NYC to Close Libraries, Slash Police Budget to Care for Illegal Aliens

DEVELOPING STORY: New York City Mayor Eric Adams had a choice: either fund the police department and libraries or give taxpayer cash to illegal aliens. He chose the illegals.

Adams announced more than a billion dollars in massive cuts to the budget. That means no more summer school or pre-kindergarten programs for children.

It also means the city will have fewer than 30,000 police officers patrolling the street — the first time numbers have been that low since the 1980s.

The mayor also announced that a number of public libraries will be shut down to provide aid to illegal aliens.

“No city should be left to handle a national humanitarian crisis largely on its own, and without the significant and timely support we need from Washington, D.C., today’s budget will be only the beginning,” the mayor said.

I tried to warn Americans about the dangers of an illegal alien invasion. I even wrote a best-selling book about it called, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.” At the time, even Fox News executives thought my predictions were laughable. But no one is laughing now. Click here to read my book.

The mayor said the cuts will be extremely painful to the nation’s largest city.

“In all my time in government, this is probably one of the most painful exercises I’ve gone through,” he said.

The mayor told The New York Times that “the cost of the migrant crisis was growing and expected to cost nearly $11 billion over two years and that next year’s budget had a major $7 billion gap. The cuts go into effect immediately, city officials said, and the mayor can implement hiring freezes on his own.”

Police warned that the city’s crime problem, which is already bad, is going to get even worse.

“This is truly a disaster for every New Yorker who cares about safe streets,” Patrick Hendry, the head of the police union told the newspaper. “Cops are already stretched to our breaking point, and these cuts will return us to staffing levels we haven’t seen since the crime epidemic of the ’80s and ’90s. We cannot go back there.”

I have little sympathy for New York City. They wanted to be a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. They wanted to be a place where illegals could find safety and refuge. They asked for it and they got it.

New Yorkers could have elected pro-America lawmakers. Instead, they elected pro-criminal, pro-illegal Democrats. And now they know the difference between an America First agenda and an America Last agenda.

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