
Watch Children Give Dollar Bills to Men in Thongs at Gay Bar

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Parents around the nation are disgusted, outraged and a bit nauseous after watching a video of scantily-clad drag queens shaking their groove thang in front of children.

Mr. Misster, a gay nightclub in Dallas, hosted “Drag the Kids to Pride,” an event that was clearly meant to introduce children to the drag culture – men dressing as scantily-clad women and dancing for cash.

Should parents who send their kids to gay bars be charged with child abuse?

The drag queens performed in front of a giant pink neon sign reading, “IT’S NOT GONNA LICK ITSELF!”

Even more disturbing a video posted below shows the drag queens, some of whom were dressed in thongs, taking dollar bills from children and parents.

One woman protesting says she saw a poster for the event and was emboldened to come out and protest. 

“I live in this community,’ the woman told television station WFAA, ‘I have for several years. I don’t believe that I should be seeing signs advertising for children to be dancing on stage with men in thongs and in inappropriate clothing and makeup. I do not in any way condone the behavior that these people are engaging in, but what drags me out here is it’s kids now.”

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Protesters gathered outside the gay bar holding signs reading, “Stop grooming the kids.”

But the organizers of the event said it had nothing to do with grooming children. Instead, they say it was a “family-friendly” drag show.

“We host our Champagne Drag Brunch every Saturday at 2pm for guests that are 21+ but we have partnered with some of our major community partners to host a special Pride Drag Brunch for all guests, including guests that couldn’t normally attend our regular show because of the drinking age restriction, to raise money for a local LGBTQ+ youth organization,” they wrote in a statement.

I contend that if you are a grown adult, you have a constitutional right to live your life however you want to live your life. If you want to be a drag queen, grab a feather boa and have at it. If you want to be an exotic dancer at a strip club, well that’s your constitutional right as well.

But to expose children to gay bars and, yes, strip clubs, is nothing short of child endangerment.

And parents who expose their children to this sort of debauchery should be arrested and charged with child abuse.

Watch below:

[brid video=”1026730″ player=”24296″ title=”Kids%20Give%20Drag%20Queens%20Cash” duration=”null” description=”” uploaddate=”2022-06-06″ thumbnailurl=”null” contentUrl=”http://cdn.brid.tv/live/partners/18399/sd/1026730.mp4″ width=”480″ height=”270″]

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