Elite New York City private schools are now requiring parents to learn about anti-racism and sign statements pledging to affirm the “values” of diversity, equity and inclusion.
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According to a report from the New York Post, the schools are offering optional and mandatory anti-racism training events for parents and prospective parents.
The outlet notes that tuition at some of these schools is around $60,000 a year.
Brearley School, a female-only prep school located in Manhattan’s upper east side, requires parents to attend two “diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism (DEIA) workshops per school year,” according to an admissions application.
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Further, prospective parents must write a 500-word essay outlining their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion
Once the students are admitted, parents have to sign an “anti-racist” statement affirming they will take part in diversity events and conversations at the school.
The statement reads, “We expect teachers, staff members, students and parents to participate in anti-racist training and to pursue meaningful change through deliberate and measurable actions. These actions include identifying and eliminating policies, practices and beliefs that uphold racial inequality in our community.”
Brearley is not the only prestigious NYC school obsessed with the topic of race.
The New York Post reports that the Chaplin School holds optional panel discussions for prospective families on the topic of race. The admissions office then keeps track of who attends and who doesn’t.
“They take attendance, they have name tags, there is someone from the admissions office to keep track of who goes and who doesn’t,” a parent told the New York Post. “If you don’t go, your child is not going to go very far in the admission process.”
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Another prestigious NYC private school, Grace Church High School, once required students to sign an anti-racist pledge vowing to “recognize and acknowledge our own biases” and stop racism in the school.
The pledge included a line saying students in violation of the vow would be “held accountable.”
Grace Church High School has stopped using this specific pledge.