The spouse of a Germantown School Board candidate was accosted Monday afternoon at an early voting location.
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The husband of Carrie Schween was campaigning alongside his wife. One of their children was perched on his shoulders when a woman began screaming and berating the candidate. At one point she grabbed Mr. Schween’s arm – putting the child in harm’s way.
“My husband and I just voted at the church in Germantown. When we arrived we saw police and wondered what happened. As we were leaving, I stopped and spoke to Carrie Schween only to find out that she and her husband had just been assaulted. These ‘be kind and tolerant to all people’ are crazy and desperate,” Glenda Faulk Starnes told KWAM News.
Neither Mr. Schween nor the child were injured.
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School board candidate Jeffrey Chipman was standing next to the Schweens and said the incident was “completely inappropriate.”
“Assault is a very strong word for what I witnessed,” he wrote on social media. “This was an older resident. She was out of line. She placed her hand on Mr. Schween’s arm to secure his attention.”
I was personally standing next to Mrs. Schween when this incident occurred. Please know I believe it was completely inappropriate, however, assault is a very strong word for what I witnessed. This was an older resident. She was out of line. She placed her hand on Mr.Schween’s arm to secure his attention. She was agitated making statements about an alleged lie told by the Schween campaign about a teacher and class. The teacher was apparently her daughter. Again, I am not excusing the behavior, but calling it assault is a bit much from my vantage point. The tone of these school board campaigns has been unnecessarily divisive. I implore all residents to reserve their anger or frustration for the ballot box and refrain from negative interactions. We must be able to heal this community and that isn’t possible with continued negativity from candidates and/or their supporters. And I am speaking about all of us. Hate fuels hate. Anger fuels anger. Instead, live and let live and save it for the ballot box.
A campaign manager for another candidate witnessed the unhinged outburst and called police, but no one was arrested.
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Mrs. Schween is challenging incumbent school board member Angela Griffith in what has become a nasty political fight.
Mrs. Schween, who is a conservative, has been the victim of an ugly smear campaign on Facebook. She’s also been the target of two previous political attacks.