Country music star Jason Aldean’s wife got pushback from woke singers in the industry for saying she’s glad her parents didn’t change her gender during her “tomboy phase.” Click here to join Todd’s private Facebook group for Conservatives.
STARNES: I really feel bad for Jason Aldean’s wife. Jason Aldean, by the way, great country music singer and his wife, Brittany is catching a little bit of flack. This story from The Daily Wire. “Over the weekend. Britney posted a photo of herself to Instagram with the caption, I love y’all. That’s all.”
Britney last week, she got in trouble when she said, quote, “I’d really like to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase. I love this girly life.” Now, to your point and Grace, you just mentioned a little while ago that you happened to be a tomboy when you were growing up.
GRACE BAKER: Oh, definitely.
STARNES: Nowadays, if your parents or if a parent out there, their kids are tomboy, some of these world parents would take that to mean that, oh, she doesn’t want to be a girl.
GRACE BAKER: That’s so sad. It’s just sad. I mean, no, I mean, it’s like a lot of these girls, you know, I played with the kids in their neighborhood and there were boys and you just wanted to be cool and you didn’t want to do all the girly stuff and boys were gross. So just you were a tomboy. You didn’t want to necessarily be a boy, but you just didn’t really care for the girly stuff.
STARNES: So anyway, so she got a lot of backlash from the libtards in the country music world and Cassadee Pope said “You’d think celebs with beauty brands would see the positives in including LGBTQ+ people in their messaging, but instead, here we are hearing someone compare their tomboy phase to someone wanting to transition. Real nice.”