I’m often asked if I have hope that our nation can be saved from the clutches of Darth Brandon and the Democrats. And people are always surprised by my reaction.
Yes. I do believe that we can restore the nation that our Founding Fathers envisioned – a place where all men are created equal. A nation who defends the notion that we were endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. A country where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are cherished.
That’s what prompted me to write my new book: “Twilight’s Last Gleaming: Can America Be Saved?”
It’s based on a speech delivered by President Reagan – he observed that our national anthem actually asks a series of questions. Is the flag still flying? A reminder that every generation must fight for freedom.
My book is a hilarious, irreverent and sober observation of where we’ve been and where we could go.
America can be saved – but only if America turns back to God. Click here to get my book.