
Critical Race Theory is a “Demonic Ideology,” Says Renowned Pastor Voddie Baucham

The following is a rush transcript of Todd’s interview with Voddie Baucham. Listen to the entire interview below.

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TODD: [01:22:15] Well, we’re glad you’re doing better. You look great. And we’re glad you’re back in the fight because there is a war and the culture like I have never seen. And at the center of all of this is critical race theory. And you write about that. You talk about that extensively. How dangerous is this to to America?

BAUCHAM: [01:22:36] It’s incredibly dangerous. It’s a destructive ideology. It’s a divisive ideology. It’s an ideology that’s built on the idea, you know, of the oppressor, oppressed paradigm of all these Marxist critical theories. But this oppressor oppressed paradigm, you know, divides people based on race and ethnicity and says that white people, by virtue of their whiteness, are guilty and they’re guilty because America, by virtue of its whiteness and Americanness, is guilty and that all other people are really victims of that oppression. So it’s inherently divisive.

TODD: [01:23:18] And that’s an interesting and important distinction as well, because you’re right, it portrays one group as the oppressors and the other as those being the oppressed. And it’s got to be offensive to both sides.

BAUCHAM: [01:23:30] And I ought to be. But people who ought to be offended by it instead are not being offended by it because this is all about power. You know, all of the critical theories, whether it’s critical pedagogy or, you know, critical theory writ large, critical race theory, whatever all of these are about, not only using that oppressor oppressed paradigm, but working toward the revolutionary overthrow of whatever that oppressor is and about a transfer of power. So instead of people being offended by this, they hold on to it because it promises power.

TODD: [01:24:13] What do you make of, for example, the Southern Baptist Convention? They couldn’t even bring themselves to condemn that critical race theory by name. And it’s almost as if you have a lot of these white pastors out there that are they’re tiptoeing around the issue or they’re buying into this, that we should have some sort of a repentant service if you are a person born of the Caucasian persuasion.

BAUCHAM: [01:24:36] Yeah. And, you know, I don’t think that was as much about buying in as it was about really white guilt and cowardice. If I can just, you know, put a fine point on it.

TODD: [01:24:47] You think it was cowardice, you know, white guilt?

BAUCHAM: [01:24:49] Yeah, I think I think it was it was obvious building up to the convention that the issue at hand was Resolution nine on critical race theory and intersectionality from two years ago at the convention and how that was going to be responded to. And when you respond to that with a resolution that refuses to even name critical race theory and intersectionality, that’s an act of cowardice.

TODD: [01:25:22] Where does the where does the American church go from here? Because. We’re talking the Southern Baptist largest Protestant denomination in America. You know, if they’re going to buy into this or that’s maybe a bad word to use. But if they’re going to if they’re going to, you know, have this white guilt, you know, where do you go from here?

BAUCHAM: [01:25:40] Well, I think we continue to press the issue. I think we continue to name this for what it is. I think we continue to expose the tenets of this ideology. I think we continue to demonstrate the fact that it is antithetical to biblical truth, which ironically, in the resolution that passed, they they said that, right? They they identified the fact that this is an issue of biblical ideology versus, you know, a counter ideology. But they refused to name the ideology. We got to name it.

TODD: [01:26:17] And you actually, in previous interviews have called it demonic ideology.

BAUCHAM: Yeah, it is a demonic ideology because, again, it is antithetical to biblical truth. In fact, one of the things about, you know, critical theory, critical social justice and all of these things, the hegemonic power at the end of the day that there were at war with is Christianity ultimately. And many of these name Christianity as that oppressive hegemonic power. Some of the main textbooks for examples, for critical pedagogy, name Christianity as an oppressive hegemonic power. So it’s not just white people, it’s not just white males. Christianity is also on that list.

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