The arm chair theologians at Newsweek have determined Jesus is not a fan of the Christmas version of President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” ball cap.
“Jesus Wouldn’t Approve of Trump Selling Christmas MAGA Hats for Double the Price,” screamed a Newsweek headline.
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The holiday edition of the iconic, red ball cap is inscribed with the words, “Merry Christmas.” It costs $45 – tax and shipping not included.
“What would Jesus do about President Donald Trump’s overpriced Christmas hats,” pondered Newsweek writer Christal Hayes. “The son of God himself – probably would not approve.”
She accused the president of launching a war on Christmas and suggested he was guilty of yuletide greediness.
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“Trump has habitually cited the Christian Bible as a guide for his leadership, although he seems to have glossed over its anti-consumerist ethos,” Hayes wrote.
She then commenced to cherry-picking Bible verses to justify her unwarranted attack on the president.
“Throughout the Bible, there are clear warnings about greed,” she wrote. “In 1 Timothy, the Bible says, ‘For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.’”
Newsweek also suggested the Bible is anti-cap. I kid you not, good readers.
“The Bible even takes a stand against hats, regardless of whether they’re selling for $45,” Hayes wrote. “1 Corinthians says you shouldn’t cover your head while praying.”
In this case, we’re dealing with a news organization that’s all hat – no cattle – as they say in the Lone Star State.
Does Jesus really have a problem with President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” ball cap? I reached out to Dr. Robert Jeffress, the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, for the answer.
“Newsweek is confusing the Bible with ‘The Communist Manifesto,’” Dr. Jeffress told me. “The last time I checked, Scripture has nothing to say about the ‘suggested retail price’ for Christmas hats.”
Regardless, the Mainstream Media piled onto the fake Newsweek story – quoting random Twitter feeds to justify their attack on the president.
“Nothing says ‘populism’ like a $45 baseball hat,” wrote feminist Twitter scribe “@RVAwonk.”
I contend Newsweek is more upset because President Trump is celebrating Christmas – instead of the Obama-favored and more generic “holiday.” The president celebrates the Reason for the Season.
“While Newsweek is busy distorting God’s Word to support their anti-Trump obsession, the rest of us are going to follow the President’s encouragement to enjoy a Merry Christmas celebrating our Savior’s birth,” Dr. Jeffress told me.
During the Obama “holiday” era, Democrats were selling everything from soy candles to “Obama” ornamental holiday balls to yoga pants.
But I don’t recall Newsweek or the Mainstream Media Pharisees casting stones on the Obama Administration.
That being said, most good-church going Christians I know would rather wear a Trump “Merry Christmas” cap than squeeze into a pair of Obama yoga pants.