A pizza parlor in Chattanooga, Tennessee is facing the wrath of a LGBT mob after they declined to cater a same-sex wedding ceremony.
“There aren’t two reasonable sides here. Nobody asked you to be gay. Or promote any kind of message. They asked for pizza. And bigots refused. That’s the whole story. It isn’t any deeper. It is black and white discrimination,” one enraged critic wrote on social media.
Pizzeria Cortile is owned by a young couple – Justin and Amanda Jo Bennett.
“We made the difficult decision not to cater a wedding due to our personal beliefs,” they wrote on the restaurant’s Facebook page. “This belief comes from a place of personal conviction, one we know is not shared by everyone, and it is one we hold without judgment towards others.”
They said their decision was not intended to harm or hurt anyone. They pointed out that they treat all of their customers with dignity and love.
Pizzeria Cortile said they hoped customers would give them a chance to continue showing them love. Instead, the LGBT mob declared war.
One of their biggest business partners – “The Book & Cover” – severed its relationship.
“We are committed to showing each person who visits The Book & Cover respect and care, and we believe affirming the love and humanity of folks is essential to ensuring that care is felt,” the bookstore wrote on social media. “It is with weary and sad hearts that we announce The Book & Cover will be ending our partnership with Pizzeria Cortile.”
The book store said they treasure and respect the “queer members of our community and celebrate the rights and love that they carry.” The Christian community? Not so much.
Critics called the pizza shop owners bigots and homophobic. And there are even calls for the Internal Revenue Service to audit the pizzeria.
“Are you going to start asking your patrons their sexual orientation upon entering the vicinity?” another top post mocked. “Being bisexual, am I welcome?… Might as well go ahead and put it on your website that you don’t cater/serve to the gays either.”
“All I’m hearing is ‘We’re allowed to be homophobic bc God,’” one anti-Christian critic wrote. “Calling bigotry a ‘personal conviction’ is a heck of a twist.”
Sometimes there is a price to pay for being a Christian and following the teachings of the Bible. I commend Justin and Amanda Jo for sticking to their beliefs. And in doing so they exposed the intolerance of the LGBT mob.