A New York 7-year-old boy is attracting national attention for saving a choking classmate’s life with the Heimlich maneuver.
When David Diaz Jr., a second grade student at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, saw his friend choking on pizza, he knew he had to act.
“If anybody is choking or is in danger, you always have to save them,” Diaz Jr. told Fox News Digital.
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He continued, “If you don’t, then that could be really sad.”
Kristin Korba, a teacher at the school, told Fox that the heroic boy learned the life-saving technique watching “The Good Doctor” with his dad, David Diaz Sr.
Diaz Jr. said he wasn’t sure if he would be able to save his classmate, but since he was closer to the student than the teachers were at the time of the incident, he had to try.
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“The adults were circulating the cafeteria, monitoring,” Korba told Fox. “David rushed behind [the choking student] performed the Heimlich.”
“I went over right after it happened and checked [on the student who choked],” Korba added. “He was cleared by the nurse and parents [were] contacted.”
Diaz Sr. was overjoyed at his son’s bravery.
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“I’m very proud of my son,” Diaz Sr. told Fox News Digital. “He’s an angel in my eyes.” “If he’d like to pursue becoming a doctor when he grows up, I’ll be happy to help him achieve that later in life. But it’s really up to him.”
Diaz Jr.’s heroism was recognized when he was presented with the New York State Senate Commendation Award by state Sen. Fred Akshar.
Diaz Sr. told Fox that he hopes his son will continue to learn from educational TV shows.