
‘Nothing Personal’: Doocy Details Biden’s Call After ‘Stupid SOB’ Dig

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy said President Biden “cleared the air” after calling him a “stupid son-of-b***” Tuesday.

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“He said ‘It’s nothing personal, pal,'” Doocy explained. “And we went back and forth, and we were talking about just kind of moving forward, and I made sure to tell him that I’m always gonna try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking. And he said, ‘You got to.’ And that’s a quote from the president, so I’ll keep doing it.”

Host Sean Hannity asked if Biden apologized.

“He cleared the air and I appreciate it,” Doocy said. “We had a nice call.”

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“We had a nice call,” Doocy said.

“That’s not an answer,” Hannity said. “That doesn’t sound like an apology.”

Doocy said it wasn’t a big deal to him with the world on the brink of a possible World War III: “I appreciate that the president took a couple of minutes out this evening while he was still at this desk to give me a call and clear the air.”

“I don’t need anybody to apologize to me. He can call me whatever he wants as long as it gets him talking!” Doocy added. “I think that’s enough. That’s enough. So we can move on. We can now move forward. There will be years- three to seven years of opportunities to ask him about different stuff.”

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