Dr. Anthony George, the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Atlanta, says he enthusiastically supports Herschel Walker for the U.S. Senate.
“So in my opinion, there’s no dilemma here. But the choice is still clear for me, despite any allegations that we’ve heard and any allegations between now and Election Day,” George said during an appearance on the Todd Starnes Radio Show.
The entire transcript follows and you can listen to the full interview above.
STARNES: [01:36:28] I want to go to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line, and we’re very honored to have an incredible guest with us. He is the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. And he has been very, he’s really been at the forefront of fighting and standing up for religious liberty, not just in Georgia, but across America. Dr. Anthony George, what an honor to have you with us today. [01:36:54][25.2]
GEORGE: [01:36:55] Well. Thank you, Todd. The honor is mine. [01:36:57][1.5]
STARNES: [01:36:58] And I know, Pastor, that you’ve had some conversations with Herschel Walker over the past several days. I think the newspaper has been out there and writing about that. How are things going with Herschel right now? He’s under the gun. [01:37:12][14.1]
GEORGE: [01:37:14] Yes, he really is Todd. We actually hosted a prayer gathering for Herschel and it took place yesterday over lunch. We probably had 250 people there at First Baptist Atlanta. And I think, you know, he needed that encouragement. There were a lot of people there to speak words of support. And also, just more importantly, we were able to gather around him and pray for him. So hopefully we sent him off upbeat and ready to go out and face these challenges. [01:37:49][34.6]
STARNES: [01:37:50] Pastor George, real quick here, when it comes to these latest, the latest round of accusations..our concern is that the conservative media has not been framing these questions correctly when addressing what happened after 2009 where his life was changed. Are we right in going about it and approaching it from that aspect? [01:38:12][22.5]
GEORGE: [01:38:15] I think so, for sure. And that’s something he even acknowledged yesterday. He said, I am a fallen human being. I am broken but redeemed. And he said, I’ve made mistakes in my life, but God has forgiven me of those things. And he said, I feel like there are more people who can relate to me than who cannot in our culture. And he got a roaring round of applause on that. [01:38:43][27.7]
STARNES: [01:38:44] You’re pastor of one of the most prominent churches in America. I’m curious your take here, too, and what is your message to people of faith in Georgia that are going to be casting votes? What is your message about Herschel Walker? [01:38:59][14.6]
GEORGE: [01:39:02] Well, I can tell you, if he had walked into my office yesterday before the prayer gathering and said, look, there, there’s truth to this, I did this. I’m sorry. I’ve asked God’s forgiveness. I’d ask the ladies forgiveness. None of which he said. By the way, he’s patently denying that any of this is true. But had he, it would not have affected my support for him, because our alternative is a so-called Baptist preacher who occupies one of our Senate seats from Georgia in Washington, who advocates for and defends the taking of unborn life on demand. So in my opinion, there’s no dilemma here. But the choice is still clear for me, despite any allegations that we’ve heard and any allegations between now and Election Day. [01:40:03][60.7]
STARNES: [01:40:04] Pastor George, I have to leave it. There we are. We’re slammed this for this hour, but I want to get you back on the show so we can have a much more in-depth conversation about the role of Christians in the elections. There have been so many people trying…to shut down the Christian vote. And I appreciate the great work you’re doing at First Baptist Atlanta. So can we get you back on the show? Is that possible? [01:40:27][23.1]
GEORGE: [01:40:29] Absolutely. Todd, you let me know and I’ll be available. [01:40:32][3.0]
STARNES: [01:40:33] All right, Pastor, thank you so much. That’s Pastor Anthony George. And we’re going to get him back on this week or next to talk about a very important issue from the First Baptist Church of Atlanta. [01:40:42][9.6]