The following is a transcript from Todd’s morning commentary – heard on hundreds of radio stations around the nation. Click here to follow Todd on Instagram.
Hello Americans, I’m Todd Starnes. Stand by for news and commentary next.
From Putnam County, Tennessee comes word of a war on prayer.
Football coaches at two high schools were targeted by Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
A radical, left-wing group that wants to remove God from the public marketplace.
They were angered to learn that the coaches had joined football players on the field for post-game prayers.
The school district issued a speedy response – the coaches would no longer be able to pray.
“Courts have consistently ruled that prayer and proselytizing cannot be sponsored by schools or school personnel,” the district said in a statement.
The coaches were simply showing solidarity with their young players by offering thanks after a football game. It wasn’t a Billy Graham Crusade.
Americans United called it a “great win” for separation of church and state (although there is nothing in the Constitution advocating for such a ban).
The sad reality is that in the United States of America – a football coach is allowed to take a knee to protest the flag, but he cannot take a knee to pray to Almighty God.
But the football team would not be bullied by the out-of-town agitators. So on Friday night, the teenage boys gathered on the field after the game and on bended knee did what their coaches could not.
Bob Vick, an alumnus of the Upperman High School, posted a viral image of the moment the students gathered to pray on Facebook.
“Satan’s power was defeated tonight, as the threat of legal action to forbid prayer after the game was overwhelmed by player led prayer,” Vick wrote. “God bless the Baxter and Stone players for their faith and courage.”
Satan’s power was indeed defeated at that football game. Neither the gates of Hell or Americans United will prevail against us.
You can read more about this story at