The following is a transcript of Todd’s morning commentary – heard daily on hundreds of radio stations around the nation. Click here to subscribe to Todd’s daily podcast.
I want to talk about the curious campaign of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
The other day Trump supporters were banned from his book signing because they were wearing Trump gear.
“Anyone wearing Trump has to go now,” a security guard told a group of Trump supporters outside the Books-a-Million in Leesburg, Florida.
Most folks don’t show up to book signings with Trump flags and campaign posters, so it’s not clear what their intent might have been. Were they in attendance to get a book signed or disrupt the book signing? We report, you decide.
Watch the encounter below.
Now, to be clear, the governor has yet to announce his official intentions, but his team is making clear preparations for some sort of national campaign.
But DeSantis has been stand-offish when it comes to America First conservatives.
Most recently he declined an invitation to speak at CPAC – the super bowl of conservative politics. Seems to me you’d want to bolster your bonafides by making an appearance.
Instead, he’s been surrounding himself with folks like Jeb Bush.
Bush endorsed DeSantis and then took it back — just like you would expect an Establishment Republican in Name Only to do.
He’s also the only major Republican contender who has yet to appear on my national show. Trump, Pence, Pompeo, even Haley have dropped by – but not DeSantis.
But to ban Trump supporters from his book signing?
For a guy trailing Trump by 30 points in the polls – it’s bad form and it’s really bad politics.