
Bill and Hillary Clinton Sure Do Know A Lot of People Who Died Tragically

Todd: There’s an interesting story on the CBS Las Vegas affiliate. I don’t know if you guys have seen this. They actually posted a list of Clinton associates who allegedly died mysteriously and they list – I’m just I’m really kind of shocked here guys – almost 50 people who have either died from suicide or in some sort of a tragic accident and they’re all closely connected to the Clintons. What do we make of this? Coincidence or is there something more nefarious going on here?


Gregg Jarrett: You know Vince Foster of course was the figure whose death began the ball rolling on suspicions about the Clintons. Now, it’s never been proven one way or the other. The official result was suicide. A lot of people never bought that. Jonathan what do you think?

Jonathan Gilliam: This is the litmus test. I think when it comes to the Clintons regardless of whether the people were suicided, committed suicide, were murdered — these people were in robberies, were shot in the back of the head over and over or died in tragic accidents. Ask yourself how many people do you know that have been murdered or committed suicide or even died in a tragic accident? You know many of us know a couple of people who died in tragic accident maybe one or two people as suicide and most people know no one that’s ever been murdered. They know over 50 people. That in and of itself is one of the oddest things I’ve when I look at the numbers that I don’t know exactly what that says. But it’s odd.

Todd: Yeah for the record in case any of them are listening. I don’t know the Clintons never met the Clintons, don’t know anything about the Clintons. I’m just saying it just does leave better be.

Gregg Jarrett: You better get Producer Jon to walk you home tonight. You’re a target pal.

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