A key demographic has swung from supporting Democrats to Republicans ahead of the midterms, according to a new poll.
A Wall Street Journal Poll released Wednesday found white suburban women — 20 percent of the electorate — favor the GOP by 15 points.
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The new results mark a 27-point swing from Democrats in August.
The greatest concern for female voters was inflation under a Democrat-controlled government. Sixty-six percent of white suburban women say inflation is a major financial hardship, up from 54 percent last month.
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Almost three in four say the economy is headed down the wrong track, and 54 percent say President Biden has led the country into a recession.
Former President Trump has also gained more support among the key group compared to last month.
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“If the 2024 election were between Mr. Biden and former President Donald Trump, 41% of white suburban women said they would vote for Mr. Biden and 52% Mr. Trump. In August, 55% said Mr. Biden and 39% Mr. Trump,” the poll found.