
Middle School Principal Unloads on Trump Supporters in Profane Rant

The principal of Oceanside Middle School in Belfast, Maine is not a fan of President Trump or his supporters.

Principal William Gifford posted a disgusting and profane rant on one of his social media platforms, the Village Soup newspaper reports.

Gifford wrote that he did not consider Trump as his president and called his supporters “trolls” and a profane word. He later said Trump supporters drive “big trucks”  but have “small [crude slang for male genitalia.]”

As I wrote in my book, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation,” I warned that our public schools are being used against us. Radical leftists have seized control of many classrooms and they are teaching our kids to hate America.

Click here to read “Culture Jihad” and prepare for what’s about to happen in America.

Even though the post was written on his personal account, the school district does maintain a policy regulating the use of social media by employees, the newspaper reports.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Social media is cracking down on Conservative content. Many of you have complained that you never see our content in your news feeds. There’s only one way to fight back — and that’s by subscribing to my FREE weekly newsletter. Click here.

“The board understands that many school employees use social media for personal purposes on personal time. Employees shall keep this professional social media presence separate from their personal social media. Employees shall not use work time, for personal use of social media.

“School employees are expected to exhibit professional decorum on social media and shall not engage in conduct which distracts from or disrupts the educational process of students or the operations of the schools. Violations of this policy may result in the withdrawal of approval to utilize social media for school purposes and/or disciplinary action, up to an including dismissal, depending on the circumstances of each case,” the policy states.

The principal later apologized for his unhinged rant in a letter to parents.

“Upon reflection, I understand the importance of putting into practice the lessons that I teach and communicating my concerns in a way that is reflective of the position that I hold,” he wrote. “It is a great privilege to hold a leadership position and help guide our youth to realize their full potential. With this great privilege, I realize that I have the responsibility to ensure that I demonstrate effective ways to communicate, even when I disagree, in a way that ensures a productive and respectful dialogue.”

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