The failures of the Biden administration paint a clear picture of what “America Last is all about,” Monica Crowley said on the Todd Starnes Show.
The host of the Monica Crowley Podcast compared the sharp contrast of the Trump administration with the current administration, slamming Biden and the Left for making it their mission to repeatedly put America last.
“When President Trump spoke about America First, he meant it. He put the American people and America’s interests first before anybody else. And he said repeatedly, I was not elected to be president of France or the EU. I was elected to be president of the United States and the American people.”
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“This current president does put America last for a whole variety of reasons, not least of which is that the left believes that the United States is not worthy of superpower status, that we are morally inferior and therefore don’t deserve it. And therefore, all of their policies are geared toward destroying us here at home and taking us down a notch or two or ten on the world stage so that we’re not a superpower.”
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Crowley stated, “this is only one part of the equation”, the left is trying to push outside factors such as the war in Russia-Ukraine to distract the American people from the real problems, such as inflation, crime, and the open border.
“They want a shiny object to distract us. It’s not going to work.” Crowley told Starnes.
The following is a rush transcript from the Todd Starnes Show which airs daily from noon – 3:00 p.m. EST.
TODD STARNES: [00:41:02] Monica Crowley on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line. Monica, good to have you with us today. [00:41:07][4.9]
MONICA CROWLEY: [00:41:08] Hi, Todd. Thank you so much for having me back. [00:41:10][2.0]
TODD STARNES: [00:41:11] So, Monica, just real quick here, the breaking news coming from Newsmax, and it’s looking pretty crazy now with Ukraine wanting emergency membership, into NATO. [00:41:20][9.2]
MONICA CROWLEY: [00:41:25] Yeah. And this comes on the same day that Vladimir Putin exercised his control over those four territories in eastern Ukraine, claiming that Russia was annexing those territories. The British government today said the UK will never recognize these four territories as Russian they will always nobody here is defending Vladimir Putin. Okay. But what people in the West, the ruling class, the Biden regime, and so on, have been chomping at the bit to get the United States and the West in the middle of that conflict? That’s basically an interest Slav interest Slavic conflict between Russia and Ukraine. And yet our ruling class has been so desperate to interject ourselves into this conflict and have in a whole variety of ways. But I think they were really hoping that the thing would escalate to the point where we would just have no choice but to intervene militarily. Now, we have spent a heck of a lot of money, about 1,000,000,005, according to Zelensky, per week in Ukraine, upwards of, $60 billion to ensure the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the Ukrainian-Russian border when our own border is wide open to God knows who. So Todd I think, you know, actually, that they’ve been a little disappointed. The ruling class has been disappointed that the conflict there has not escalated to the point where it became inevitable for us to intervene militarily. And that’s why they’re constantly provoking it in order to escalate it even further. Now you’ve got a situation where Putin is claiming annexation and Zelensky says no negotiations. Now we want emergency membership. Just buckle up, because that conflict could overflow. The United States could be ever more deeply involved beyond just sending billions of dollars that we don’t have. [00:43:28][123.5]
TODD STARNES: [00:43:29] And, Monica, that, again, you know, Thomas Massie makes a great point. We have literally spent more money on Ukraine than we have roads and bridges here in the United States. And I think as a taxpayer, you’re looking at the tens of billions of dollars going over there. You’ve got military personnel that is being told by the Pentagon, hey, if you can’t make ends meet, you can always get food stamps. And I think a lot of people are asking some pretty legitimate questions. Why are we funding all of this? [00:43:56][26.6]
MONICA CROWLEY: [00:43:57] Well, it’s pretty clear that this is what America last is all about. Todd, you know, when President Trump spoke about America first, he meant it. He put the American people and America’s interests first before anybody else. And he said repeatedly, I was not elected to be president of France or the EU. I was elected to be president of the United States and the American people. This current president does put America last for a whole variety of reasons, not least of which is that the left believes that the United States is not worthy of superpower status, that we are morally inferior and therefore don’t deserve it. And therefore, all of their policies are geared toward destroying us here at home and taking us down a notch or two or ten on the world stage so that we’re not a superpower. We’re not exceptional on the world stage. We’re not a force for good, whether moral good, military good, diplomatic good, we’re none of those things. That’s their objective. So, you know, the other part of this equation is they do want us in the middle of this conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Because of that, it’s like a wag the dog calculation. If we’re in the middle of some international conflict, that’s going to drag on and on and on, and you’re going to have that no real end to it or no real successful end to it that benefits them. That serves their purposes because it’s a distraction. It gets the American people distracted by some Chinese being over on the Russia-Ukraine border rather than what’s happening here. And that’s exactly what they want because their destruction here in this country is 100% deliberate. They don’t want you focused on it. They know the American people are really ticked off heading into November’s election. With our failing economy skyrocketing inflation and gas prices, crime, spiking, cities in collapse, wide open border, and all of the issues that entail. So they know that they’re not in a good position. They want a shiny object to distract us. It’s not going to work. [00:46:04][126.5]
TODD STARNES: [00:46:04] Monica Crowley is on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line today, folks, host of the Monica Crowley podcast. Monica, another story that you’ve been talking about on social media, is this horrific, barbaric stabbing of a first responder in New York City. Lieutenant Alisson Russo Elling. She was about six months away from retirement. We understand she was standing outside the fire station, the EMS station. When some guy comes over and it’s all on video and unfortunately, we do have this on our website. It’s incredibly graphic. But the guy stabs her 20 times in broad daylight. Monica. [00:46:21][16.9]
MONICA CROWLEY: [00:46:44] Yeah. I mean, welcome to American cities, right? It’s not just New York, but so many urban areas now are just collapsing under the weight of skyrocketing crime. It’s really a dangerous situation for the American people and others who want to come and visit. You know, the other day I was in New York City, Todd, and I got a piece of jewelry for my birthday and I needed to exchange it. And it was a very nice jewelry store and a well-known jewelry store. And I exchanged it for a different piece. And the saleswoman came out after the exchange transaction with my new piece, and she handed it to me instead of the store’s famous bag. She handed it to me in a plain white paper bag, and I looked at her and she said, I can’t send you out on the streets of New York with your piece of jewelry in our bag because she was afraid I was going to get mugged. That is where we are in New York City, but also Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Washington, D.C., Chicago, you name it. And the American people cannot walk down the street in broad daylight and feel safe. This is absolutely outrageous. Again, it’s all by design. Look, one of the first things communists do when they take over any country is empty the jails. They empty the jails of all violent criminals. Why? Because they need violent mayhem in order to distract you and have you living in fear so that they can slam through their other real agenda. And so if you are constantly worried about your own safety and security, you’re not paying attention to what the communists are doing. That is exactly what’s going on here with all of these liberal DAs. With the turnstile justice system, where the criminals come in and they’re back out on the streets in a couple of hours. We need change. And I mentioned New York. New York has a gubernatorial race with my friend Lee Zeldin as the Republican candidate. He must win if we’re going to save New York. But every state across the country, if you’ve got gubernatorial races, Senate races, congressional races, it doesn’t matter. As I said on my podcast today, Todd, I don’t care if the only office on the ballot in your community is dogcatcher. You vote Republican dogcatcher. You vote Republican all the way down. And that’s the only way right now we’re going to start to turn this ship of state around. [00:49:10][146.1]
TODD STARNES: [00:49:11] Now, I think you’re right, Monica. And again, when you look at these Soros DA’s and what they did in New York City especially, I mean, you can literally hit somebody over the head with a baseball bat. They’re going to get you right back out on the streets. You’re not going to have to post any bail. This cashless bond is happening in other cities. Memphis just elected a Soros D.A. and that’s the first thing on his agenda, not tackling the crime. It’s going after bail reform. And this is happening in every single city. And you’re right, we got to vote Republican. That’s the only way. All right. Tell us what’s on the big podcast. [00:49:14][3.3]
MONICA CROWLEY: [00:49:50] Will say you were today actually all week. My podcast all week has been really great. So I recommend them to everybody. Go back on Monday. Actually, you could go back and listen to all of them, which I would love. But this week’s podcast on I does it Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Todd. So this week’s podcasts are really, really important stuff. I had Miranda Devine on Monday, and I’ve been talking about all of the issues that concern all of us. I had Julie Kelley on Wednesday talking about the January six committee and the January six defendants because she’s done such great work in exposing the depth of corruption at the DOJ and FBI and also really working with the January six defendants to really what’s happened to them has been unconstitutional and appalling real human rights abuses. So those two shows, Miranda Devine, and Julie Kelly. And then today I’m talking about how we are leaderless in America with a president who is senile and a vice president who is in a constant state of a nervous breakdown. But how Governor Ron DeSantis throughout this hurricane is atrocious, as this hurricane was reminded us all that our leaders are there to protect, defend and serve us. They are there to make our lives better, not worse. What a powerful reminder going into November, right? It’s such a basic point, but we’ve lost sight of it. Our leaders are they’re supposed to make our lives better, not worse. So I talked about that. And then I’ve got a long and very funny and important interview. The top editor at The Babylon Bee, the nation’s greatest satire site. Those guys are conservatives, they’re Christians, they’re believers. And of course, they’ve been lied about and suspended and canceled all over the place. But I have got them on my show for an extended interview. And you’re going to love it. It’s so much fun. [00:51:42][111.8]
TODD STARNES: [00:51:42] All right, Monica Crowley and we have a direct link to the podcast on our live show blog. So, folks, you can check it out there, Monica. Always good having you on the show. Have a great weekend. [00:51:50][7.6]
MONICA CROWLEY: [00:51:51] Always a pleasure, Todd. Thank you. [00:51:52][1.4]