Pro-life activists were confronted with violence and hate speech at the Women’s Marches Saturday.
Students for Life of America organized counter-protests at 24 of the 50 Women’s Marches that spanned the country, after being uninvited for not supporting abortion.
“These pre-born female lives go unrepresented at a March like this,” Michele Hendrickson, Director of Strategic Initiatives at Students for Life, said. “Pro-life women are coming out here to make a statement and say that the abortion industry is lying to these women, selling them a lie that women need abortion to succeed, and we know that that’s just not true.”

In Colorado, attendees of the march circled five pro-life protesters who had to be escorted to safety by security. Christine Yeargin, a pro-life influencer and protester at the Colorado march, called the behavior “demonic” on her Instagram before her post was removed for “hate speech.”
Grace Rykaczewski, a Students Spokesperson for Students for Life, was protesting the march in Washington D.C. with dozens of other students, including a large group from Liberty University.

“We are going take a space on the sidewalks on the side of the Women’s March so that they can see that we are here, and we are loud, and we are proud, and that we are happy to be here as women where we belong at the Women’s March,” Rykaczewski said.
The D.C. march turned into a shouting match as the anti-abortion group chanting, “abortion hurts women, women deserve better,” while on the sidewalk behind a SWAT team as the marchers yelled back, “my body, my choice” and stuck up their middle fingers.
The Women’s March called for an emergency march to “Rally for Reproductive Justice” because of the Texas abortion bill and upcoming Mississippi abortion Supreme Court case on December 12th.
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“This year alone, we have seen nearly 600 restrictions introduced in 47 states,” Alexis Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood, said at the Rally for Abortion Justice. “So, no matter where you live, no matter where you are, this fight is at your doorstep right now.”
The march was only one of the events held by pro-choice groups in D.C. on Saturday. Before the march, Women’s March held a prayer rally for reproductive justice and a rally for abortion justice.
“As a Mexican American, as a Texas resident, as a woman, this is personal. This is personal for me and for all of us. We cannot-and we will-not let them win.” The Executive Director of Women’s March, Rachel Lewis, said at the rally.