Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., told the “Todd Starnes Radio Show” Tuesday that he was unhappy with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s testimony in front of the Senate Health Committee and said the country’s top disease doctor appears to be intent on undermining President Trump.
“I just find myself cringing every time that I hear him because he’s making policy and he doesn’t act like he’s going to take the totality of this country” into account, Biggs said.
Biggs, the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, took to Twitter earlier to criticize Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, for using “his bully pulpit to bring public criticism on governors who are seeking to open up their states.”
“The Fauci-Birx team have replaced faith w/ fear & hope w/ despair,” he wrote. “The remedy is to open up our society & our economy. Trust & respect our freedom.”
Fauci told the committee Tuesday that the U.S. could begin to see new coronavirus outbreaks if the country is reopened too quickly. He said the U.S. could see additional “suffering and death that could be avoided.”
The coronavirus outbreak seems to be entering a phase of increased infighting between Republicans and Democrats about steps forward to reopening. Trump illustraited the growing tension in a tweet Monday calling on Gov. Tom Wolf, the Pennsylvania Democrat, to move faster.
“The great people of Pennsylvania want their freedom now, and they are fully aware of what that entails,” Trump tweeted. “The Democrats are moving slowly, all ove the USA, for political purposes. They would wait until November 3rd if it were up to them. Don’t play politics. Be safe, move quickly.”
Fauci has been criticized by some Republicans for being too cautious with the virus along with too much influence over policy decisions. The Washington Post pointed out that he appeared to contradict Trump’s theory that the virus would eventually fade off even without a vaccine.
“That is just not going to happen,” Fauci said. “It’s a highly transmissible virus. It is likely there will be virus somewhere on this planet that will likely get back to us.”
Biggs said that Fauci appears to be intent on resisting Trump’s effort to move the country forward.
“Fauci always undermines him,” Biggs said. “He always finds a way to undermine what the president wants to do.”
Todd Starnes, the host of the show, pointed out that governors across the U.S. are beginning to look to the fall as a possible timeframe to reopen. About 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the first seven weeks of the lockdown, few economists can even estimate the jobless rate if the lockdown carries on for months.
“We’ve reached a total crossroads,” Biggs said. “We’ve got the people who want to stay locked down, and you’ve got the people who say, “We are free Americans let us take the risk.”