
Rep. Mary Miller: Biden Should be Impeached for ‘Illegal’ College Loan Bailout

President Biden’s massive student loan transfer is “impeachable,” Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) said on the “Todd Starnes Show” Thursday.

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Should Biden be impeached for the studnet loan bailout?

“People are very upset. This is reckless. It’s illegal and unconstitutional. I think it’s impeachable,” Miller, who represents Illinois’ 15 congressional district, told host Todd Starnes.

“President Biden took an oath of office agreeing to uphold the rule of law. There has been no bill. This has not been approved by Congress. And the other thing is, everybody knows that he is not wiping out loan payments. He’s transferring loan payments to the taxpayers,” she said.

Miller noted how bad it is for the “moral character of our culture” as well.

“It disincentivizes responsible, mature behavior that we want out of citizens,” she said. “Many Americans saved and sacrificed for their children’s college, or they made payments on those on their student loans for years. They worked full time. My children all worked full time when they went to school and they lived at home was another thing. People forfeited going to maybe a college of their choice. I mean people sacrificed to either pay back their loans or not take loans out. Some people didn’t even go to college because they couldn’t afford it.”


Below is a rushed transcript on the Todd Starnes Show:

STARNES: [00:02:10] I want to go to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line honored to have with us from the great state of Illinois, Congresswoman Mary Miller. Congresswoman, I hope you’re doing good today. [00:02:18][8.4]

MILLER: [00:02:20] I’m personally doing great, but I have to say, I am in mourning for our country. And I want to thank you for the great work you’re doing to speak out against tyranny and to get the truth out to the people. [00:02:35][15.6]

STARNES: [00:02:36] Well, I appreciate you saying that, Congresswoman. And, you know, we believe in being happy warriors here on this program. And I am a hopeful person, but I share your great concerns about the state of our country right now. And maybe if we could just let’s just jump in. We just talked about these FBI raids here and the attacks on the Trump administration, the Trump family. Where does — what is the end game here, you think? [00:03:02][26.1]

MILLER: [00:03:04] I tell people all the time in light of the left, the Marxists, if they could, they would. And right now they think they can weaponize the government against the American people, against President Trump. This is outrageous. Again, they’re using the guise of well, they’re using this frivolous document preservation scheme to go after President Trump. And he is an amazing man. He’s oh, he is still a happy warrior. I think people have heard him say that if he would just go home and shut up, they would leave him alone. But he won’t do it. He loves our country and he’s continuing to fight the fight and they’re going to go after him. [00:03:56][51.9]

STARNES: [00:03:57] Now, you represent the 15th congressional district there in Illinois. And I’m curious what you are hearing from your constituents after the president came out yesterday and announced a student loan. I’m calling it a transfer, not forgiveness, but loan transfer. What’s been the reaction? [00:04:14][16.5]

MILLER: [00:04:15] Oh, I’ve gotten text messages. People are very upset. This is reckless. It’s illegal and unconstitutional. I think it’s impeachable. President Biden took an oath of office agreeing to uphold the rule of law. There has been no bill. This has not been approved by Congress. And the other thing is, everybody knows that he is not wiping out loan payments. He’s transferring loan payments to the taxpayers. And it’s so bad for our culture, for the moral character of our culture. It disincentivizes responsible, mature behavior that we want out of citizens. Many Americans saved and sacrificed for their children’s college, or they made payments on those on their student loans for years. They worked full time. My children all worked full time when they went to school and they lived at home was another thing. People forfeited going to maybe a college of their choice. I mean people sacrificed to either pay back their loans or not take loans out. Some people didn’t even go to college because they couldn’t afford it. [00:05:31][75.9]

STARNES: [00:05:32] No, it’s a great point. I you know, when I was in college, I worked full time at a legal newspaper, and my job was typesetting bankruptcy documents. It was tedious work. But you know what? It paid the bills. And, you know, you have to do what you have to do. And I’m concerned, Congresswoman, about what message this sends to future generations of young people. [00:05:56][24.0]

MILLER: [00:05:58] Exactly. That’s why I said it is really bad for the moral character of our country. It’s incentivizing recklessness and irresponsibility. Again, it’s nothing but redistribution of the wealth. We’re not holding colleges and universities responsible. Why? I do think after we take back the House, we need to have investigations or an investigation as to why have we seen such a staggering increase in costs of college degrees, which we know is because the government’s involved and also the schools should be held responsible for the loans that they’re giving out. I know for a fact I had a niece, her — my brother-in-law, her dad called out the university for overexaggerating her future earning power. And he knew it. And they lied to the students. That’s another thing. And they’re also encouraging, incentivizing young people to go into these degrees, worthless humanities degrees that they’re not going to be able to get jobs in or pay these loans back. [00:07:10][71.5]

STARNES: [00:07:11] If you go to college and you major in goat yoga or gender studies, you get what you deserve. And I know that you went to, what, Eastern Illinois University? [00:07:22][10.8]

MILLER: [00:07:22] Yeah [00:07:22][0.0]

STARNES: [00:07:23] I went to a private Christian school in East Tennessee. But I can tell you, Congresswoman, that I suspect you did not have an infinity pool or private steakhouses where you could get lobster every day of the week at your school. [00:07:36][13.4]

MILLER: [00:07:38] No, and I worked is the other day. Even in college, er, in high school, I worked full time in the summer. I worked all through full time all through college with at least one job. I worked in a bubblegum factory and I worked from three in the afternoon till three in the morning because we got overtime hours and then I had a part-time job during the day and my kids all worked. That’s actually healthy to work. I’m not even saying it was bad for me. It was good for me. You learn so many lessons by working. [00:08:14][36.2]

STARNES: [00:08:16] No, you’re absolutely right. I’m curious. What flavor, what brand of bubble gum was it? [00:08:19][3.8]

MILLER: [00:08:21] Back in that day, we were making big league bubble gum Chew and Mork and Mindy, bubble gum record kind of thing. It was some subsidiary of Wrigley’s, but I can tell you this, that I was nauseated for the first couple of weeks of the job. The smell was, it was so sweet. And but anyway, it was a good experience. I can laugh about it now, but all my jobs have taught me something. And this is just outrageous. And the American people, the people that are pulling the wagon are getting tired. [00:08:53][32.6]

STARNES: [00:08:55] You’re right. And it’s leading to a very bad place in our history. And we’ve got to get that figure it out. I mean, you’re absolutely right. Congresswoman, before we let you go, I know you’re a big supporter and defender of religious liberty. And I’ve got a column up on our website from Evanston where the school district there had a convocation. They bring all the teachers and faculty together, no students. And they do this every year. And they invited a local minister to come and pray. And she actually prayed a blessing over the teachers. Somebody complained. And now the school district is apologizing for anyone who took offense at the religious nature of the Christian pastor’s prayer. It’s unbelievable what’s happening these days. [00:09:39][43.8]

MILLER: [00:09:40] Well, if that is where our public schools are today, I’m just telling parents that believe and fear God, it is time to abandon the public schools. And for those people that don’t have children in public schools that are outraged over this kind of stuff, you need to step up to the plate somehow and help parents find alternative education. Be there. The churches need to be there supporting the community and helping parents find alternatives. [00:10:10][29.9]

STARNES: [00:10:11] No, you’re absolutely right. And Congresswoman, we’re going to leave it there. I just want to say thank you for being a bold warrior for freedom and liberty. And you’re welcome back on the program any time. [00:10:21][9.8]

MILLER: [00:10:22] Thank you for having me. Have a great day. [00:10:24][1.5]

STARNES: [00:10:24] All right. Congresswoman Mary Miller from the 15th Congressional District there in Illinois. And she is a fierce warrior, folks, and she is a strong defender of President Trump. She’s out there representing the people and her district. [00:10:39][14.5]

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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