
Scott Perry Slams Pride Flags at Embassies: ‘We Have One Flag… And It Stands for Freedom’

‘We have one flag. It is the American flag. It stands for freedom. It stands for equal justice under the law, and it stands for liberty around the world. That’s the only flag that needs to fly,’ Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) said on the Todd Starnes Show.

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The following is a rush transcript from The Todd Starnes Radio Show. Listen to the program live Monday – Friday from 12 p.m. until 3 p.m. Click here to listen to the full interview.

Do you think U.S. embassies should fly the gay pride flag?

TODD STARNES: [00:50:18] Gay Pride Month kicking off 30 days of celebrating the LGBT movement. And word has come out that over at the embassy, the U.S. Embassy at the Holy See, they have unfurled a gay pride flag. It does make you wonder what sort of message they’re sending to the Vatican. [00:50:36][18.4]

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REP. SCOTT PERRY (R-PA): [00:50:38] Here’s the message that I would like to send to all allies and people that wonder about America overseas. We have one flag. It is the American flag. It stands for freedom. It stands for equal justice under the law, and it stands for liberty around the world. That’s the only flag that needs to fly. Save may be on occasions the P.O.W. flag, because we want to have our P.O.W.’s either sent home or we asked for a place to bury our war dead. That’s it. The American flag is the standard. We should be proud of that. And that’s the flag that should fly at all times. And that’s the only flag that we need. [00:51:15][36.4]

TODD STARNES: [00:51:15] All right, Congressman, we’re going to leave it there. Appreciate your coming on the program today. Lots of stuff. [00:51:20][4.5]

REP. SCOTT PERRY: [00:51:21] Thank you, sir. You have a wonderful day. God bless you and your audience. [00:51:24][2.8]

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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