Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told the Todd Starnes Show Dr. Anthony Fauci’s medical misinformation is “leading to deaths.”
The Republican senator also blasted Big Tech for “selective censorship” and the corporate media’s “hysteria” over Omicron while suppressing life-saving information about treatments.
“Instead of Fauci, just put your head in the sand and say, ‘be vaccinated,’ most of my friends are vaccinated that are sick right now,” Paul told host Todd Starnes. “I’m trying to get them treatment if they’re very sick.”
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Below are treatments Paul recommends for treatment against the virus.
Monoclonal antibodies
The Kentucky doctor explained the monoclonal antibodies are probably the best if someone is sick with COVID, especially if they are overweight or older.
“But the Biden administration has screwed up the supply chain. They’ve canceled the orders. The government owns all of it, so there are shortages all across the country, and people are calling me and saying, ‘Where do I get it? Where do I get it?’ The Biden administration won’t send it.”
But Paul said there are other treatments, including an antidepressant called Fluvoxamine. “It’s been out 20 years, maybe 30 years. It’s safe. It’s been used millions of times, and there are studies showing that it has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s not as controversial as some of the others. Even the mainstream medical community accepts this. It’ll probably cost you $10.”
“So if you can’t get any other treatment and your doctor says throws up their arms, ask them about Fluvoxamine and see if your doctor will look it up and see if you’ll agree, or she’ll agree to prescribe it for you. That has a chance of lessening your inflammation.”
“Also, there are something called inhaled steroids. Pulmicort, kids take it for asthma. Parents say it’s been out there forever. That can lessen your symptoms if it’s getting into your lungs as well.”
“The other treatment, if there’s no longer any more monoclonal antibodies out there, there’s a drug called Remdesivir because they were giving in the hospital later in the course for sick people. They had a study come out in the last couple of weeks saying that if you get it earlier, it works maybe as well as the monoclonal antibodies.”
The first five days
Most of these things don’t work once you’re on the ventilator very well. That’s why a lot of people die. You need to get the treatment the first five days of you being sick.” Paul concluded. “And unfortunately, I’ve never seen Fauci tell anybody that. He’s on television all day long, and he never tells you what you really need to know is you need to get the treatment in the first five days of your illness.”
Click here to download the interview with Sen. Rand Paul and share it with others!
Below is a rushed transcript of Sen. Rand Paul’s interview on the Todd Starnes Radio Show:
Starnes: [00:21:01] Let’s head right over to the Patriot Mobile newsmaker line, one of my favorites up on Capitol Hill. Our good friend from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Senator Rand Paul. Hey, Senator, hope you’re having a happy new year. [00:21:12][10.7]
Paul: [00:21:13] Hey, Todd, thanks for having me. [00:21:14][1.1]
Speaker 1: [00:21:15] Hey, Senator, you have been leading the charge on this fight against Big Tech censorship and making some headlines after you decided to leave YouTube. Why did you do? Why did you decide to do that? [00:21:29][13.8]
Paul: [00:21:30] You know, I’m kind of sick and tired of all the Big Tech folks lording it over all of us in flyover country, think they’re better than we are, think they can edit our stuff, censor our stuff. It really is obnoxious to the idea of free speech and really the idea of how we arrive at truth. I mean, most, most segments of our, you know, philosophy or religion or jurisprudence are arrived at through disputation. Each side presents their arguments and the public figures out the truth or the jury figures out the truth. But if you censor one side of it, I think you’re going to end up with groupthink. And I think that’s a, you know, it’s going to be a real problem for our country. [00:22:12][42.3]
Speaker 1: [00:22:13] And to that point, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene shared some some things on Twitter the other day that got her permanently banned. But in reality, that was that was information from a government website. So again, it’s it’s as if there is a narrative that the mainstream media is going with, especially when it comes to the China virus, and they are not going to let anybody put anything out there on their platforms that will run contrary to their opinion. [00:22:43][29.5]
Paul: [00:22:44] Well, it’s selective censorship. So for example, I’ve been saying for over a year now that cloth masks don’t work. I consider that to be a service to tell the public that because if you’re taking care of your 80 years old and your elderly spouse has COVID, to protect yourself, you shouldn’t wear a cloth mask because they don’t work. And so it’s silly to have mandates for things that don’t work, but it’s actually life threatening if you tell an elderly person a cut up piece of T-shirt is going to protect them from COVID when it doesn’t. So I think this is a very, very important debate, and I think the misinformation coming from Fauci, et al., is really leading to deaths because it’s getting people to engage in risky behavior. And people need to know that if you’re in the hospital and the doctor goes in the COVID patients room or the nurse goes in, they only go in with an N95 mask. They do not wear cut out pieces of undergarments as masks. They do not wear cotton mask. Sure, they’re comfortable. They just don’t work. And so this is really a dishonesty on the part of Fauci, but it’s a dishonesty that actually could cause lives to be lost. But think about it. One of Biden’s officials this, Osterholm said, the same thing I did. Nobody took him down because he’s a Democrat. That woman on CNN who’s, you know, is as far left as you can get this infectious disease doctor who’s been for everything in the world as far as mandates. She finally said on the air the other day the cloth masks are nothing more than facial decoration and nobody bans her. But every time I say something about cloth masks, if you put this up on YouTube, guess what? They’ll they’ll they’ll take it down from YouTube. And so I don’t want to have any part to do with small, closed minded people who can’t stand to have an honest intellectual debate. [00:24:28][103.8]
Speaker 1: [00:24:29] Now I’m with you on that, senator, and I remember a couple of weeks ago AP The Associated Press. The first line of their sentence was that the the flu took last year off. Well, that’s intellectually dishonest. And so I post a little blurb on our on on our Facebook page and said, No, I didn’t take the year off. It was called COVID. And wow, we got we got hit. We got nailed. So, so again, my issue with Facebook and Twitter and YouTube, I get it. They can’t, you know, they pay their bills. We use their services free, but they should not have any special protections if they are going to censor people that just because they have a different viewpoint. [00:25:09][40.5]
Paul: [00:25:11] Thing is, is, you know, the CEO of Twitter comes out and says the First Amendment doesn’t apply to Twitter. Well, technically he’s right, but it doesn’t make it any less obnoxious or any less sort of arrogant that I would want to deal with a person like that. I don’t want to deal with a close-minded, narrow-minded sort of bigot who doesn’t want to hear any kind of disputation that he disagrees with. That’s not that’s not that’s not an intellectually honest debate. That’s not a liberal notion. And so really while it might be legal for them to censor me. At the same time, it doesn’t mean that we should acquiesce to that or that we should accept that as normal or associate. It’s the kind of people that we should not want to associate with in polite society. If they are free people who do who believe in censoring your speech. [00:25:57][45.9]
Starnes: [00:25:58] Senator Rand Paul on the Patriot Mobile newsmaker line. Senator, when the Republicans controlled the House and the Senate during the Trump administration, there was an opportunity to do something, but nobody wanted to do anything. And and I’m wondering why that was and what can we do to fix that? [00:26:15][16.3]
Paul: [00:26:16] Well, it’s one of the things that infuriates me. More than anything else, you will recall that we ran several elections saying, Give us back the house, give us back the Senate, oh, we need the presidency, goes back to the presidency and will repeal Obamacare. You may have heard that once or twice over the last 10 years. And yet once we got it, they didn’t repeal Obamacare. And you know why? Because seven Republican US senators voted to keep Obamacare. That’s how come we have Obamacare because of Republican senators, including a famous one from Arizona, no longer with us. But they all lived their public. They ran on repealing Obamacare. And then when they had the chance to do it, every one of these guys, these men and women voted to repeal it. Under Obama, when he would veto it, we did the exact same bill. They hated it, but I forced them to vote on the exact same bill that it all voted for. And now they voted no when they knew that President Trump would sign it. So, yeah, this is a problem. It isn’t just Republican versus Democrat. It’s if we get a Republican majority, we need Republicans who are actually worth, you know, their weight that will actually do something but actually fight for us. [00:27:18][62.2]
Starnes: [00:27:19] Now I’m with I’m with you on that, senator, and on that note, before we have to let you go. And how are things looking at these early stages for the midterm elections? [00:27:28][9.0]
Paul: [00:27:30] I think we’ve never seen such incompetence in the White House. And so, you know, I wouldn’t have guessed that it would be so lopsided at this point. But I mean, the Biden evacuation of of Afghanistan is probably going to down as one of the worst military mistakes and military mishaps in our history. The inflation that’s rampant throughout the country is coming from the massive amount of borrowing and spending that they have proposed. And so I think those two things together, they just can’t escape it. Every day, people go to the gas pump and see how much less money they have because it’s going in their gas tank. Every day, people go to the grocery store and see this. So I would say they’re doing so bad that all the polls are leaning our way. But in the end, you can’t win just because the other guy’s bad. Republicans need to put forward what they’re for. And if they really are the party that I say we should be of limited constitutional government, we’ve got to be for it. We got to actually be for it. But that means voting against the spending and not saying, Oh, all of us for half as much as the Democrats vote for. No, we need to vote for what the Constitution says, which if the powers weren’t granted under the Constitution, these activities are left to the states and the people. So we’ll see. But if Republicans can put forward candidates that truly believe in limited constitutional government and being left alone and freedom, I think. But we’ll see what happens. [00:28:48][77.7]
Starnes: [00:28:48] Senator, where do you think this pandemic is going? I mean, I still go back to the two weeks to flatten the curve, and here we are years later. What’s the endgame with all of this? [00:28:59][10.5]
Paul: [00:28:59] You think we need honesty from the people on TVs that are hyping this? They need to quit the hysteria. Omicron right now has a death rate that is 75 percent less than the than the variant that we had in January of last year. So one year later, the death rate 75 percent less. Now that being said, I have friends right now who are sick. And what I’m you know on the phone right now and talking to their doctors is there is treatment. So instead of Fauci, just put your head in the sand and say, be vaccinated. Most of my friends are vaccinated that are sick right now. I’m trying to get them treatment if they’re very sick. And your viewers need to know the monoclonal antibodies is probably the best if you’re very sick, if you’re either overweight or you’re older monoclonal antibodies. But the Biden administration has screwed up the supply chain. They’ve canceled the orders. The government owns all of it, so there are shortages all across the country, and people are calling me and saying, Where do I get it? Where do I get it? The Biden administration won’t send it. So that’s the number one treatment. But there’s another treatment that is an antidepressant called Fluvoxamine. It’s been out 20 years, maybe 30 years. It’s safe. It’s been used millions of times, and there are studies showing that it has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s not as controversial as some of the others. Even the mainstream medical community accepts this. It’ll probably cost you $10. So if you can’t get any other treatment and your doctor says throws up their arms, ask them about Fluvoxamine and see if your doctor will look it up and see if you’ll agree, or she’ll agree to prescribe it for you. That has a chance of lessening your inflammation. Also, there are something called inhaled steroids. Pulmicort, kids take it for asthma. Parents say it’s it’s a it’s been out there forever. That can lessen your symptoms if it’s getting into your lungs as well. The other treatment, if there’s no lights or any more monoclonal antibodies out there, there’s a drug. Called remdesivir because they were giving in the hospital later in the course for sick people. They had a study come out in the last couple of weeks saying that if you get it earlier, it works maybe as well as the monoclonal antibodies. Most of these things don’t work once you’re on the ventilator very well. That’s why a lot of people die. You need to get the treatment the first five days of you being sick. And unfortunately, I’ve never seen Fauci tell anybody that. He’s on television all day long, and he never tells you what you really need to know is you need to get the treatment in the first five days of your illness. [00:31:23][143.7]
Starnes: [00:31:24] All right. You know what we’re going to do? Senator Paul and Dr. Rand Paul, we’re going to post, folks. We’re going to post all of this information on our website., you’ll also be able to download this interview so you can get that all of this very important information that the senator just shared with us. Senator, we’re going to leave it there. We always appreciate the time you spend with us and hope you have a happy new year, sir. [00:31:47][23.0]
Paul: [00:31:48] Thank you, Todd. [00:31:48][0.4]
Starnes: [00:31:49] All right. Senator Rand Paul from the Commonwealth of Kentucky and that is that is some excellent information that he’s given us, and we will have access to all of that over on the website. So you can check that out. [00:32:04][15.3]