
Using Biden’s Logic, Diamond & Silk Are Not Black

Jeffery Dove Jr., an Army combat veteran and Republican candidate for Congress from Virginia, told the “Todd Starnes Radio Show” Friday called Joe Biden’s “you ain’t black” interview offensive and said the former vice president comment’s were sadly predictable

Dove said it seems every time a Democrats find themselves ensnared by controversy, they do their best to distract voters from the issue.


Biden, the likely Democrat nominee, said in an interview Friday that African-American voters who “have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

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“Right now, Joe Biden has all these investigations, whether it’s Tara Reade or Ukraine or what they did with unmasking,” he said. “All of a sudden, this racist comment comes out. It’s kind of like trying to distract us from all of the other issues going on.”


Dove, a black conservative, said Biden’s comment is a good example of some of the remarks he’s faced while he runs for office in Virginia. He said he once knocked on one woman’s door who told him that he is “owned by the Democratic Party because he is black. He said Biden essentially said that he is the arbiter of whether you are black or not.

Starnes said the interview between Biden and Charlamange Tha God—who was born Lenard McKelvey, did not go well for the former vice president. Starnes called the conversation “bizarre” and touched on topics like the number of people Biden knows who smokes weed.

Starnes pointed to Sen. Tim Scott, R- S.C., who is black, who called Biden’s comment “arrogant.”

“That is most condescending and arrogant comment I’ve heard in a very long time,” he told Fox Business. Scott pointed out in the interview that more than a million African Americans voted for Trump in 2016 and he won eight percent of the vote in exit polls.

Scott said it was Biden’s 1994 crime bill that resulted in the imprisonment of more African-American males that “any piece of legislation.” It was Trump’s criminal justice reform that corrected the “absolute mistakes made by Biden,” Scott said.

“1.3 million black Americans already voted for Trump in 2016. This morning, Joe Biden told every single one of us we ‘ain’t black.’ I’d say I’m surprised, but it’s sadly par for the course for Democrats to take the black community for granted and brow beat those that don’t agree,” Scott tweeted Friday.

Starnes said Biden’s comments were offensive to black voters and said the former vice president “just revealed the racist underbelly of what it means to be a Democrat.”


“The reason why these people are always playing the race card; they’re always screaming about racism is because they themselves are the racists,” Starnes said. “These people, they don’t care about black or brown people, all they care about is power. That is all the Democrats care about.”

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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