
You’re Not a Teacher, You’re a Pedophile: Lawmaker Blasts Classroom Sex Talks

The hard left is trying to destroy our families, keep us from practicing our faith, and brainwash our children, Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) said on the Todd Starnes Show.

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TODD STARNES: [01:18:04] There’s a weird story in of all places, Montana. I am genuinely surprised by this story. And it comes to us from Congressman Matt Rosendale, a Republican from Montana. The zoo in Billings called Zoo Montana is hosting a drag queen story hour. No, I’m not making this up. This is all part of the gay pride celebrations there in Montana. And they’re inviting the children to come to the zoo where the drag queens will socialize with the children, and then they’ll be able to go check out the zoo. They’re calling it a family friendly event. Funny. That’s what they called the gay pride parade in Los Angeles. And we’ve got the videos showing grown men dressed as women, dancing atop eggplants and doing Lord knows what, anyway. It’s $4 per person. And you have to use the password, fierce, as in fierce. Alright, let’s go to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line, our good friend from the great state of Montana, Congressman Rosendale. Congressman, good to have you back with us. [01:19:19][75.0]


REP. MATT ROSENDALE (R-MT): [01:19:20] Good to be back with you, Todd. Glad there’s somebody out there helping us fight the culture war. [01:19:24][4.1]

STARNES: [01:19:25] Yeah, this one is a head scratcher in of all places, Montana and at your local zoo, Congressman. [01:19:31][6.0]

ROSENDALE: [01:19:33] Yeah. It’s really a shame. I’ve been talking to a lot of people over the last several days. I was back in Billings on Saturday and Sunday, and they are deeply disturbed. The rank and file people, community members across that city are deeply disturbed. A lot of them are supporters of Zoo Montana. And I will tell you that there was more discussions about pulling their support from Zoo Montana based upon this very strange and outlandish plan that they have to expose children to such perverted sexual acts. It’s just very bothersome and disappointing, quite frankly. [01:20:19][45.7]

RELATED: NYC Spends Over $200K For Grade School Drag Queen Story Hour

STARNES: [01:20:20] Congressman, have we heard from the zoo or are they explaining why it’s so important to have the drag queens come in and read to the children? [01:20:26][6.7]

ROSENDALE: [01:20:28] No, they had the executive director basically doubled down on it and said that, you know, that I was being a prude or something like that because it was just a story hour for children and I’m sorry, this is a classic example of grooming these children and having them have discussions about sexuality that they should not be exposed to. And anyone that thinks that is somewhere short of child abuse is wrong. It’s very close to pedophilia as far as I’m concerned. [01:21:00][32.2]

STARNES: [01:21:01] You know, it’s interesting you brought that up, the grooming part of it. There’s a new report out of Bloomberg and they say that there has been a significant increase and the number of young people who now identify as either transgender or non-binary. Are you surprised by the numbers there? [01:21:19][17.8]

ROSENDALE: [01:21:20] I’m troubled by it. I don’t know how much of that is accurate because unfortunately, a child can make a statement and all of a sudden the public school system can put them into a category where they’re havin this confusion about who they are, what they are. And then I myself for the first time, saw these liberals on Tik Tok about a month ago and was absolutely aghast at watching teachers, school teachers have conversations with their students saying, Well, you know, when you’re born, the doctor takes a look at you and makes his best decision about whether you’re a little boy or a little girl. But sometimes they can make mistakes. Well, I disagree very strongly with that statement. And I have a big problem with teachers, again, having these kinds of conversations with children. People want when their children go to school, they want them to be safe. They want them to get their education, their math, their reading, their science skills. They’re not looking for these teachers to start having conversations with them about sexuality. And quite frankly, if you feel compelled to have conversations with children about sexuality, you’re not a teacher. You’re a pedophile. [01:22:38][78.1]

RELATED: ‘WE HAVE GENITALS AND LUBE’ – LA Pride Parade Horrifies Children

STARNES [01:22:40] Congressman, I want to play some audio for you. This is actually from libs of Tik Tok just over the weekend. This is a grade school teacher talking about how she finds affirmation from her children in the class. Let’s listen. [01:22:52][12.8]

TEACHER IN AUDIO CLIP: [01:22:53] I’ve been wanting to do this for the past two years. Sorry, I’m like, so emotional and I just haven’t had the courage to do it out of fear of just judgment, mostly from their parents, but. I had these kids in fourth grade and now I have them in sixth and I’m sending them to middle school. And I love these kids so much and I trust them and they make me feel safe and I know they love me and it just felt right. And I did it and it was so beautiful. They had so many questions, which I loved. They wanted to learn and they wanted to learn about me, and they were so eager and a few of them clapped, which was so precious. [01:23:39][45.8]

STARNES: [01:23:41] I mean, Congressman, this is a school teacher finding affirmation from her students. She’s outing herself to her own students in a public school classroom. [01:23:49][7.7]

Should teachers talk to students about their sex lives?

ROSENDALE: [01:23:51] This is strange and it is disturbing, and she should be removed from the classroom. And as you said, for the teacher to be looking for affirmation and support from the fourth and fifth and sixth graders and having those discussions. This is not about education. That’s what I call pedophile. [01:24:17][25.6]

STARNES: [01:24:18] Congressman Matt Rosendale from Montana on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line. Congressman, from your vantage point up on Capitol Hill, is there anything that Congress should be doing here or is should this be solely a local school district issue? [01:24:32][13.8]

ROSENDALE: [01:24:33] I still believe in local school districts. I mean, I really believe that people continue to look at the federal government to solve their problems. And quite frankly, the federal government is not great at solving problems. They they’ve created a lot of problems. But we are supposed to be here to protect our borders and to make sure that we can have commerce exchange back and forth across the nation. And guess what? We have really failed miserably at those two jobs. That’s why I’m even up here. I came in, as you know, as a freshman last year and trying to get the train back on the rails, if you will. But those things need to be addressed by the local school districts and by the state superintendent. This is why we’re seeing a lot more people homeschool their children. This is why we’re seeing a lot more people across the nation that are seeking out and running for these local school board positions because they understand now, when we went through COVID, when they started listening in to the classrooms and they were actually educating their children themselves at home, they discovered there was a lot of discoveries made about the grooming and the brainwashing that was taking place across this country. [01:25:50][77.0]

STARNES: [01:25:51] All right. Well, Congressman, we appreciate you shining a great big light on this. I mean, this is a serious matter. And I think you’re right. I think this is why many moms and dads are turning to homeschooling. The numbers are exploding all over America as folks are pulling their kids out of these public school indoctrination centers. [01:26:09][17.9]

ROSENDALE: [01:26:11] Let me tell you, I’m really just a firm believer that the hard, hard left is trying to destroy our families. They’re trying to keep us from practicing our faith and they’re trying to brainwash our children. And everyone needs to stand up and say, we’re not going to tolerate it. The emperor is not wearing clothes. And you can say what you want about me, but the truth is the truth, and we’re just not going to put up with that anymore. [01:26:39][27.5]

STARNES: [01:26:39] And based on that pride parade footage, folks aren’t wearing many clothes in that thing either. So, there you go. Alright, Congressman, we’re going to leave it there. God bless you. Appreciate it. [01:26:48][9.1]

ROSENDALE: [01:26:49] God bless you and your audience. Thanks for having me on. [01:26:51][2.0]

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