
How Many Americans Believe We are Living in the ‘Last Days’?

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With war raging in Ukraine and much of the world still dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and adverse COVID-vaccine reactions, a new poll is taking Americans’ temperature on whether they think we’re in the final days before the return of Jesus to Earth.

“Christians in the U.S., Canada, and worldwide – including Israel – are asking such questions,” says Joel C. Rosenberg, founder and chairman of The Joshua Fund.

“So, too, are members of the secular media – sometimes with genuine curiosity, though often with mocking disdain.”

The Joshua Fund had four questions in its survey, the first of which asked:

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“Do you agree or disagree that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – which has ignited the biggest land war in Europe since World War II – is one of the signs that Jesus spoke of in the Bible when He warned that there would be ‘wars and rumors of wars’ in the ‘last days’ before His return?”

“I was stunned by how many Americans said yes; they believe this is a prophetic sign,” Rosenberg said.

“Nearly 4-in-10 Americans (39.8%) said that they agree that the invasion is a sign of biblical prophecy coming to pass and of the ‘last days.’ Nearly the same number – 40.3% – said they disagree. Meanwhile, 19.9% said they don’t know.”

“The fact that many Americans don’t agree – or honestly admit they don’t know – makes sense. Although very few Americans study Bible prophecy these days. Many pastors and priests don’t teach Bible prophecy anymore.”Do you believe we’re in the very ‘last days’ with the return of Jesus to Earth imminent?Yes No 

Michael Snyder, author of the best-selling book “7 Year Apocalypse,” noted: “Of course the war that we are witnessing is not just a war between Ukraine and Russia. In reality, it is a proxy war between the United States and Russia.”

“The U.S. has been pouring billions of dollars worth of weapons and equipment into Ukraine, it has been giving the Ukrainians real-time intelligence regarding the position of Russian forces, and we have just learned that Ukrainian troops are actually being flown to the United States to be trained.

“I realize that last part may be hard for you to believe, but U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin just admitted that this is happening on his Twitter account … ‘This morning, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ukrainian troops training in the U.S. who are returning home to Ukraine today. Their bravery and skill are amazing. I made clear the U.S. will continue to provide them with the assistance they need.

“I am extremely concerned about where all of this is heading, because proxy wars have a way of evolving into real wars,” said Snyder.

The second question in the survey asked:

“Do you agree or disagree that the COVID pandemic that has caused more than six million deaths worldwide is one of the signs that Jesus spoke of in the Bible when He warned that there would be severe ‘plagues’ in the ‘last days’ before His return?”

“Again, I was surprised by the large number of Americans who said they agreed,” Rosenberg noted.

“Fully 4-in-10 Americans (40.1%) agreed that the COVID pandemic is a sign of Biblical prophecy coming to pass and of the ‘last days.’ Some 41.1% said they disagree. And 18.7% said they don’t know.”

The third question asked:

“Do you believe that the new nuclear deal that the international community is negotiating with the leaders of Iran will make the world safer, or more dangerous?”

Rosenberg explained: “Though a new deal has not yet been finalized – or at least had not yet been announced publicly at the time of the survey – we found that Americans are profoundly skeptical diplomacy will stop the Iranian regime from building The Bomb. In fact, a plurality believes that such a deal will make the situation more dangerous.”

“Less than one-third of Americans (31.3%) believe that a new nuclear deal ‘will make the world safer by truly preventing Iran from building nuclear weapons.’

“Nearly half of Americans (47.4%) believe that a new nuclear deal ‘will make the world more dangerous by lifting economic sanctions, giving Iran’s government enormous new oil revenues, and making it easier for Iran to fund – and hide – its efforts to build nuclear weapons.'”

“One-in-five Americans (21.3%) said they don’t know.”

The final question asked:

“If the Iranian regime is ever able to build an arsenal of fully operational nuclear weapons, do you believe such weapons will pose a threat to the six million Jews who live in Israel?”

Rosenberg said: “The results were clear: Americans overwhelmingly fear that the Iranian regime seeks to destroy Israel and bring about a Second Holocaust.”

“Fully 2-out-of-3 Americans (67.6%) said they believe ‘the Iranian regime wants to use nuclear weapons to carry out their repeated threats to ‘wipe Israel off the map’ and bring about a Second Holocaust.'”

“Only 12.5% said, ‘no, I don’t believe a nuclear-armed Iran poses a real threat to Israel.’ One-in-five Americans (19.9%) said they don’t know.”

Snyder noted: “For almost 2,000 years, the Bible has been warning us about the times that we are now living in. And even though much of the population can see this, the country continues to push God away.

“That is a huge mistake, because the times ahead of us are going to be extremely challenging, and during those times we will need God more than ever.”

In 2018, popular Christian evangelist Franklin Graham wrote in Facebook post: “The Bible tells us, ‘This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away’ (2 Timothy 3:1-5).”

“Does this Scripture not describe the times in which we live?” said Graham. “The outright disrespect, the unbridled hate, the vileness and malevolence that people display, and the way the media and the entertainment industry feed so much of this.”

“I think God is describing our generation,” he added. “God warns us that judgment is coming. Only God can change the human heart – and He is willing to do that for everyone who calls upon the Name of His Son Jesus Christ.”

Read more at World Net Daily

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