Patriot Mobile, a major sponsor of the Todd Starnes Show, is working with a ministry to provide Ukrainian refugees with humanitarian aid and the “ultimate hope” with Bibles.
The Eastern European Mission (EEM), which Patriot Mobile supports, has been distributing Bibles to Eastern Europe since the 60s, but their work is now more urgent than ever.
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The Hurst, Texas-nonprofit started smuggling “Marlboro Bibles” into the Soviet Union until the wall came down in 1989 and since then has published, printed and distributed the Good Book in 32 different countries and in 23 languages.
“When this war broke out — we have a national director in Kyiv – we just had to get into it,” Dirk Smith, the vice president of EEM, told ToddStarnes.com. “All the partners in Ukraine and surrounding countries started reaching out to us and asked for help with refugees.”
EEM said 100% of the money donated for humanitarian aid goes to trusted partners to provide medical needs, clothing, shelter, and more.
“The interesting thing is after we provide that, all the refugees are asking for Bibles, which we have,” Smith said, adding, “our largest stock is in Kyiv.”
EEM launched the “Our Bibles for Kids” campaign to provide 800,000 children’s Bibles, many going to Ukrainian refugee children in Poland, Romania, and other countries. The campaign has a dollar-for-dollar match, meaning $5 will provide four children’s Bibles, “effectively changing a child’s life for eternity.”
“The biggest impact is the spirit of the Ukrainian people, evident by our workers,” Smith said. “We said, ‘You have to get out,’ and their response was, ‘but we have Bibles and people are asking for them. We’ve got to stay because that’s the ultimate hope.'”
Smith called the war “spiritual warfare” and noted that Ukraine has been the “Bible belt of Eastern Europe” as there has been a push to get Bibles in their public school classrooms.
“We can’t even do that in our country,” Smith said. “We began providing them Bibles and they put Bibles in 3/4 of the public schools in Ukraine.”
He doesn’t see the war as the Russian people against the Ukrainian people.
“They’re grieving over this,” Smith said. “This is an evil dictator which is possessed by satan, there’s no question, impacting people in a very evil way. It’s satan trying to wipe out a nation that was truly a beacon of light, and being light and salt in that part of the world.”
But even in the midst of evil, Smith said they’ve seen the good of humanity.
“Everybody is stepping up and stepping out,” he concluded. “It’s truly an opportunity for God’s people to be the image-bearers that he created us to be…There’s a lot of Ukrainians who are Christians ..God will take evil and turn it for good if we step out and trust him.”
Caleb Parke is the managing editor for ToddStarnes.com. Follow him on GETTR, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and connect with him at calebparke.com.