CNN “reporter” Kristen Holmes called President Trump’s address at the March For Life “damage control.”
“It’s coming at a time when President Trump is trying to shore up his support among those evangelical voters,” she blathered. “It was just last month we saw that editorial that was published in an evangelical publication that called for President Trump’s removal.”
President Trump still enjoys strong support among evangelical voters while Christianity Today is suffering from a decline in readership.
“It really set the White House into damage control mode,” the reporter said. “This is now being part of that damage control.”
No, Ms. Holmes – it’s not about damage control. This is about the president standing up and defending the unborn.
Perhaps this so-called reporter would be more comfortable spewing lies about the president on the editorial side of CNN’s operation?
Watch a @CNN reporter describe Trump’s historic appearance at the annual March for Life as “damage control” for the Christianity Today op-ed and say Trump “obviously” wanted to speak there because of impeachment. They didn’t air his actual speech.
— Amber Athey (@amber_athey) January 24, 2020