Gov. Mike Huckabee unleashed on Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) during an interview on The Todd Starnes Show – suggesting the Republican lawmaker was more interested in making a name for himself than defending the president.
Romney recently announced that he is more than likely going to side with the Democrats and quest to call witnesses during the impeachment trial.
“What is it that he wants out of this,” Huckabee asked Starnes. “Does he want to be able to sit down at the table with Morning Joe and be celebrated and beloved by that crowd?”
Huckabee said it’s too bad that Romney had not been elected president in 2012.
“It would’ve been good that he became president just so he could be impeached,” the former governor said.
“This is so disappointing, not surprising, disappointing that Mitt Romney feels like he’s got to now be the contrarian. He wants to be the fly in the ointment – the guy who sides with the Democrats and their absolutely sloppy and horrible treatment of this elected president.”
What does he get out of this, the governor said.
“He either has to believe that he’s smarter than the Republicans and that the Democrats are purists who really want to protect the Constitution – or he’s in this all for himself,” Huckabee said. “And I think I know the answer to the question and it’s not because he’s really smarter than the Republicans and the Democrats are trying to protect America.”
Mic drop.