
Todd Starnes Show Recap – Oct 16



2:05pm – **Breaking**

2:10pm- Mike Berry, Senior Counsel and Director of Military Affairs at First Liberty Institute

2:30pm- Look The Other Way! Hillary Clinton drew parallels between Harvey Weinstein and President Donald Trump, calling the disgraced Hollywood mogul’s behavior “disgusting” and “heartbreaking” ― just like the person once caught on camera bragging about sexually assaulting women. In an interview Sunday with Britain’s “The Andrew Marr Show,” the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee commended women who have stepped forward to share stories of their encounters with Weinstein and emphasized that this type of lecherous behavior can’t be tolerated in any industry, including politics. “After all, we have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval Office,” she said. Trump was captured in a 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape bragging he can kiss women and “grab them by the pussy” without invitation. Plus: Hollywood veteran Jane Fonda has revealed she learned of the allegations against mogul Harvey Weinstein a year ago — but said nothing. Fonda, 79, made the admission in an interview on BBC World News HARDtalk, saying that she chose to keep quiet because “it didn’t happen to me”. Todd sorts through the hypocrisy. Guest: Kayleigh McEnany, the newest RNC Spokesperson, former CNN Commentator



1:05pm- In Good Company! President Trump underscored his administration’s commitment to families and religious freedom Friday, saying that “times have changed … now they’re changing back.” Trump addressed the Values Voter Summit Friday, marking a milestone as the first sitting president to appear before the group. “In America, we don’t worship government,” Trump said. “We worship God.”  The Values Voter Summit was created in 2006 to “preserve the bedrock values” of traditional marriage, religious liberty, sanctity of life, and limited government “that make our nation strong,” according to the group’s website.  Plus: Steve Bannon told attendees at the Values Voter Summit, an annual social conservative conference, to keep up the fight against the “imperial” political class. “It’s not my war, this is our war and y’all didn’t start it, the establishment started it,” Bannon said. He also said, “Right now, it’s a season of war against a GOP establishment.”  Guess who else spoke at the Summit?? 

1:30pm- Guest: Tony Perkins, Family Research Council’s fourth and longest serving president

1:50pm- Indiana girl denied First Communion because she wore pantsuit to ceremony



12:05pm- Collusion? Former San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who sparked backlash by starting the trend of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem, has filed a grievance accusing NFL owners of colluding against him under the latest collective bargaining agreement, according to a report out Sunday. Bleacher Report’s Mike Freeman said in a series of tweets that the controversial athlete has hired attorney Mark Geragos “who has represented numerous high profile clients.” Geragos said in a statement posted on Twitter on Sunday that he filed the grievance “only after pursuing every possible avenue with all NFL teams and their executives.” “If the NFL (as well as all professional sports leagues) is to remain a meritocracy, then principled and peaceful political protest — which the owners themselves made great theater imitating weeks ago — should not be punished,” Geragos said in the statement, “and athletes should not be denied employment based on partisan political provocation by the executive branch of our government. Such a precedent threatens all patriotic Americans and harkens back to our darkest days as a nation.”

12:20pm- Question: Should the owners be forced to hire someone they don’t want? Does he have a case? 888-788-9910

12:30pm- Open/Calls/Audio/PLUS:  Hillary Clinton on Sunday defended NFL players who knelt during the national anthem, saying kneeling is a “reverent” position that is not against “our anthem or our flag.” The former Democratic presidential candidate, who was at the Southbank Centre’s London Literature Festival, urged Democrats to use the issue against President Trump. Clinton was embarking on a foreign trip to promote her book “What Happened.” She said people should resist “what are very clear dog-whistles” to the Trump base, pointing to the example of kneeling NFL players. “That’s what black athletes kneeling was all about,” she said in response to a question about ways to resist the White House. ”That’s not against our anthem or our flag.” “Actually, kneeling is a reverent position,” she continued. “It was to demonstrate in a peaceful way against racism and injustice in our criminal system.” 



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  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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