
Singer Complains That Hotels Only Stock ‘White People Shampoo’

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A Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter is on a mission to do something about ‘white people shampoo’ in hotel bathrooms.

Now, before we go any further into the story it’s important to understand what the word “woke” means. It’s got nothing to do with getting out of bed in the morning. These days ‘woke’ refers to raising awareness about social and racial injustice.

And that brings me to the singer-songwriter known as Halsey.

The other day she posted a series of messages on social media lamenting the state of affairs regarding hair products provided in hotels and motels.

“I’ve been traveling for years now and it’s been so frustrating that the hotel toiletry industry entirely alienates people of color,” Miss Halsey tweeted to her nine million followers.

Ah yes, the notorious hotel toiletry industry. (Actually, I had no idea there was such a thing as the hotel toiletry industry, but apparently there is indeed such a thing).

“I can’t use this perfumed watered down white people shampoo. Neither can 50% of ur customers. Annoying,” she added.

Miss Halsey’s original tweet sparked an online debate that raged for several days. A number of critics wondered why the pop star could not just pack a bottle of her own shampoo?

“I’m fortunate enough to be financially in a position to do so, but POC traveling frequently for work/medical reasons might not be. Just making a point is all!” Halsey replied.

The controversy generated headlines across the nation from the Washington Post (Singer Halsey stirs debate over hotels offering ‘white people shampoo’) to  the New York Daily News (Halsey says hotels only provide ‘white people shampoo).

The 23-year-old pop star said the problem is that people of color feel left out.

“It’s not just hotels. I stayed in a psychiatric hospital as a teenager and they didn’t have hair products for any patients who were POC. It’s hard enough being in there as it is, but then ur gonna too feel ugly and dry n frizzy too? Nah. Anyways. Y’all still missing the point lol,” she tweeted.

I sincerely doubt the good people who run LaQuinta or Hampton Inn are conspiring to inconvenience hotel guests by stocking their bathrooms with generic shampoo.

But just because you lather up with Pert or Vidal Sassoon does not necessarily make you a racist.

Now that’s woke, America.

Editor’s Note: Facebook is cracking down on Conservative content. To ensure you receive conservative and faith-based news items – click here for a free subscription to Todd’s newsletter.

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